
A question of the invoice

  • 4 December 2021
  • 2 reacties
  • 67 Bekeken

Hi, I got the invoice from mijnNS this month, there is a item which is charged twice in a same date in my bus travels. How should I do?


Beste antwoord door bahnrider 4 December 2021, 09:49

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2 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +4

De have a look at ov-chipcard. The information there is more extensive.

Reputatie 7
Badge +1

Hard to say with just this information. Please tell us/show us what the mijnNS states.

Did you make a return trip maybe that same day?

Did you have trouble with the check In or OUT maybe?

What bus-company? Or was it a bus running in stead of trains due to works?

IF it was a local bus, then you have to contact that company.
