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I have a subscription for NS Flex Traject Vrij (Den Haag CS to Zoetermeer). As the Zoetermeer station is under construction from early December till now. I couldn’t use the train to travel to Zoetermeer. I paid the subscription fees 80.8 Euros/ month so is it possible to get refund for the subscription fees during the period I don’t use the trains to travel from Den Haag to Zoetermeer or the other way around.


thanks in advance.

You could and can still use your Traject Vrij subscription. The other stations in Zoetermeer are still in use and there are replacement busses from Zoetermeer Oost to Zoetermeer.

If you don't want to use the replacement bus and therefor don't travel by train and not use your Traject Vrij it is possible to change it to Flex Basis and not pay the subcription fee as MoDe pointed out. 

No, you couldn't get a refund. With NS flex you could after a month using change your subscription to NS flex basic.
