
Right to withdrawal - no answers through ns chat

  • 5 September 2022
  • 1 reactie
  • 81 Bekeken

Regards, I took a weekend subscription last Saturday (3-09-2022) because I was planning to go on weekend trips, but for personal reasons, that won't be possible anymore. I read about the right of withdrawal before accepting the conditions, so I have been trying to connect with an agent through the ns chat. Once they ask: "Can you send me the following information: initials, last name, zip code, house number, date of birth, OV-chipcard number, and email address?", I send the information, and then no answer, for hours!
I am worried because this is supposed to be done during the 14-days after signing the contract. But how can I use my right of withdrawal if nobody in the customer service replies? I remember using the chat before to ask questions months ago; back then, it worked fine. So why I don't get a reply in this case? Can someone tell me how to reach customer service (keeping in mind that I don't speak Dutch)?


Beste antwoord door Laura NS 5 September 2022, 12:14

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1 reactie

Welcome to our NS Community dfcollazosc.

There are currently 884 people waiting in line for chat. It's possible that you were chatting with an agent that is currently off. You are then transferred to the next agent and this can take some time. I'm sorry about that. It's not an issue that you speak English. All our agent on our chat channel can do so. You will be helped within the 14 days, If you wait for an agent to get back at you. Please give them all the information they need in order to handle your request quickly. 
