
subscription invoice

  • 23 June 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 85 Bekeken

Can I pay my subscription invoice manually or only you debit it automatically from my bank account?

Because I have unpaid invoice must be paid on 22 June and you didn't debit it yet.


Beste antwoord door Stijn NS 23 June 2023, 12:36

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1 reactie

Good afternoon Mahmoud saeed and welcome to the NS Community!

Subscriptions will be debited automatically from your bank account, at least that's how it's supposed to go. I'm assuming the 22nd of June was the date on or around which your invoice was supposed to be charged.

That date is essentially an indication, the actual charge can be delayed by a few days. At any rate, if the automatic charge fails, you will receive a payment reminder in about a week with instructions on how to pay the invoice manually. Until you receive that e-mail, you won't have to do anything manually.
