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Block my card and cancel subscription,

  • 26 October 2022
  • 2 reacties
  • 124 Bekeken

NS cancel my subscription for abonament, because in system I'm not pay abonament. But I have facture pay normal. I have email: 

Wegens een betaalachterstand is uw NS abonnement beëindigd.
OV-chipkaart: **** **** **** 6648
Abonnement: NS Flex Weekend Voordeel

We gaan de openstaande vordering overdragen aan een incassobureau. Eventuele andere openstaande vorderingen, die verband houden met het beëindigde abonnement, zullen ook aan het incassobureau worden overgedragen.

Het incassobureau gaat u hier binnenkort nader over informeren.

When this card was changed for new. And this card is not use more. I don't have new facture for this number card. 


I'm sorry to read that your contract has been cancelled. Please contact our customer service. They can check why your contract has been cancelled. 

The card was replaced (lost/stolen/defective) so you should have received a new card with all subscriptions on it. You probably wanted to have it blocked without a new (duplicate) card?

NS doesn't know about your card replacement, so your subscriptions continue as if nothing happened. Most likely, your Dutch IBAN doesn’t even exist or allow auto-debit anymore?

For Weekend Voordeel (the €2/month subscription), legal costs for the ‘incassubureau’ (debit agency) are substantial (€40) so that’s bad.
