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I incorrectly checked in and out on the red IC direct poles. How can I undo that?

A ‘check-in’ at the red poles (for loading the IC direct supplement) can be undone within 15 minutes by tapping your card again.

Or did you load another IC direct supplement at your destination, thinking it was a check-out?

If you need to get something corrected, for example when you checked in with IC Direct but took another train, you can contact our costumer service (via chat, call, Twitter or Facebook). 

Your point is not clear. If you really did what you write, and IF you used the ICD, then its simply as case of ´used but not paid´-the 2nd check makes the 1st invalid. Or do you mean something else?

DID you check what is the ´travel history´-on a machine oir via mijnNS?
