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Dear Sir / Madam,

I noted that in my travel history that a charge of euros 20.00 is invalid. Date was 17 Jan 2023, travelling from Sittard at 10:35. My travel was from Sittard (10:39) to Maastricht (11:02) and ticket was charged by NS. 

That charge of euros 20.00 was clearly extra charged. I would like to have it refunded to my account. 

Appreciate that you can process at your soonest.




Dear Sir / Madam,

I noted that in my travel history that a charge of euros 20.00 is invalid. Date was 17 Jan 2023, travelling from Sittard at 10:35. My travel was from Sittard (10:39) to Maastricht (11:02) and ticket was charged by NS. 

That charge of euros 20.00 was clearly extra charged. I would like to have it refunded to my account. 

Almost certain you made a mistake and checked in or out with Arriva and not with NS. If you travel with an NS train you have to check in and out with NS, if you travel with an Arriva train you have to check in and out with Arriva. If you mix up things you get this.

You will have to contact customer service to correct this.


You probably checked in with Arriva and checked out with NS, or the other way around. You always need to check in and out with the company you're travelling with.

For a refund, you can contact Customer Service by phone (+31 30 7515155), chat, Facebook or Twitter.
