
Refund for forgotten check-out rejected because maximum number for online application reached

  • 1 November 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 87 Bekeken


I made a request for a refund but it was rejected because “My NS for a refund for a forgotten check-in or check-out, because your maximum number for online application has been reached.” 

This is the very first time I make a refund request for this trip. Therefore, I don’t understand why it was rejected.




Beste antwoord door Tochjo 1 November 2023, 11:04

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1 reactie

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The maximum does not apply to this specific trip, but to all requests within a given period, I believe six months. This is to prevent people from repeatedly making a long trip, not checking out and then claiming they’ve only travelled to a nearby station.

You should now contact customer service directly to speak to an NS employee about a refund. This can be done by phone; they are available 24/7 at 030-751 51 55. You may also contact them by chat (click the link Chat with NS on this page) or by sending a message on X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook.
