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My children under age 11 free trivling not working . It's stop at the payment of € 01 and says some problam 


My children under age 11 free trivling not working . It's stop at the payment of € 01 and says some problam 

Could you please post a screenshot of this "some problem”?

You first have to order personal chipcard for every child-this will cost 7,50 each and ONLY then when you have that you can add the free travel.

Not true, you can order Kids Vrij in combination with a card (€ 7,50).

If your kid(s) already have a personal card, you can add Kids Vrij to it for € 0,01 but apparently, that’s not working.

You first have to order personal chipcard for every child-this will cost 7,50 each and ONLY then when you have that you can add the free travel.

Untill then you can use the special Kids-return from machine for 2,50.

Did you try to purchase a separate ov-chipcard for your child? Contacting Customer Service is wise. English is spoken. The one cent is or will be withdrawn to check that you bankaccout exists and is working.
