
Questions about my direct debit pending

  • 17 August 2022
  • 1 reactie
  • 57 Bekeken

Hi, my ns customer id is 26397841.

and I received the mail that I have to pay 6.03 euros. So I sent it to the IBAN) NL14ABNA0576850675 ten name van NS Groep inzake NS Reizigers te Utrecht onder vermelding van omschrijving 405897708.

But today, I got another information that I there was a direct debit pending for 34.35 euros. 
what is it ? 


Beste antwoord door Thom 17 August 2022, 13:44

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +4

Do have a look at MijnNS. You can see the bills. Mostly this makes things clear. The widget is not functioning properly. In doubt, contact Customer Service.


We do not have access to your data, we are in general helpfull travellers.
