I found a bike in the canal, it’s right in front of Izakaya. Where do I report it?

I found a bike in the canal, it’s right in front of Izakaya. Where do I report it?
You've already found the right spot to report it. However NS will need a bit more information (city, street, approximate location in that street) to have the bike picked up.
Hi Julian1983 and welcome to the NS Community!
I guess this is the Izakaya in Amsterdam, right? Let me know if that is not correct. I did send this location to the right department so they can pick up this OV-bike. Thank you for your message!
Hey sure!
It is right here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/52%C2%B021'15.9%22N+4%C2%B053'12.9%22E/@52.354422,4.8862749,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d52.354422!4d4.88692?entry=ttu
De Pijp, in front of Izakaya:
IZAKAYA Asian Kitchen & Bar
Albert Cuypstraat 2-6
1072CT Amsterdam
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