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I lost my OV-Chipkaart on the train from Gouda→Rotterdam on 30-March around 6pm.

I noticed right away as I was looking for my card to check out.

So I blocked it (reported lost/stolen) on OV-Chipkaart website.

I received confirmation via email on : Wed, Mar 30, 6:36 PM

However, as you can see below, someone has found the card and used it to:

  1. Travel to Gouda
  2. Rent an OV-fiets at 21:03


Now, I received an email from NS saying that I will be charged EUR 5 per day. (kenmerk: 5177400667)

So I opened a chat on NS Klantenservice and they told me the following:

Unfortunately I can't do anything about those cost. An excess of €350 will be charged. Should the bike be found again this amount will automatically be refunded. Other than that I can't do anything else.

I have the evidence that I blocked the card and that I went to the NS service balie to ask.

I also have my google maps timeline showing that I was not the one using the card.

I cannot accept paying €350 and even the €5/day for costs that were incurred by someone else after I had blocked the card.


My question is, I would like to avoid being charged these costs so is there anywhere I can make a claim to at NS?


Thank you in advance.


THis is a very sad story indeed, BUT the rules are agianst you for this-as is also clearly stated (in dutch) in all the rules etc.

The BLOCKing of your card will only happen some time in the night-when all the systems send their stored data (think of a few 1000 buses too) to the centre and then the centre informs them back about all new blocked/suspended etc. cards. So untill that time=same evening in your case, you still are the one who is responsible for any expense made with it. Some forms of insurance may cover this. Many of these outposts that still register chipcards (think also of the bike-rental and other means) do not have a steady direct online connection-like f.e. bankcards and paytills do.

It’s true, unfortunately. If your (personal) ov-chipkaart gets lost or stolen, blocking it will be effective the next day. Until then, the card can still be used.

Contact NS Customer Service (phone, chat, Twitter or Facebook) to have the OV-fiets rental corrected, and possibly the trip from Rotterdam to Gouda.

Updating blacklists towards devices without a continuous internet connection seems reasonable (bus, tram, et cetera). OV-Fiets is already real-time connected with the backoffice and could be informed within seconds. Nobody seems to care tho. 

In a case like this I would gladly take it to court.

I definitely would file a complaint with OV-Ombudsman,

In a case like this I would gladly take it to court.

I definitely would file a complaint with OV-Ombudsman,

It seems going to court is your hobby.

Not a hobby, but nothing to be afraid of either. You can prove you blocked the card, so it's unlikely you rented the bike yourself. You cannot be held responsible for the fact that NS/TLS don't block the card immediately. How could you even know?

How could you even know?


“loss of card balance” doesn’t include additional OV-Fiets charges. But...:


6. Bij verlies of diefstal van de OV-chipkaart, in geval van huur van een OV-fiets met een OV-fietsslot, is de Contracthouder verplicht de OV-fiets terug te brengen naar de OV-fiets verhuurlocatie. In voornoemd geval brengt Contracthouder de OV-fiets terug naar de OV-fiets verhuurlocatie of wordt de Klantenservice van NS door de Contracthouder ingelicht, zodat de OV-fiets kan worden opgehaald. In dat geval zal bij de Contracthouder het in de Tarieflijst vermelde bedrag in rekening worden gebracht voor het ophalen van de OV-fiets. Als de situatie zich voordoet dat tussen het moment van verliezen van de OV-chipkaart en het gestolen/vermist melden een onrechtmatige verhuring van een OV-fiets heeft plaatsgevonden, gelden dezelfde voorwaarden die gehanteerd worden bij een gestolen OV-fiets. Om aanspraak te maken op het lage eigen risico (tarieflijst) dient de reiziger aan NS OV-fiets een kopie van het proces-verbaal van aangifte van de diefstal te overleggen

Not a hobby, but nothing to be afraid of either. You can prove you blocked the card, so it's unlikely you rented the bike yourself. You cannot be held responsible for the fact that NS/TLS don't block the card immediately. How could you even know?

Exactly. The Consumer Complaints Board would be the first step I'd try.


But still it only says you risk losing the amount loaded on the card. Not having to pay hundreds of euros.

Als de situatie zich voordoet dat tussen het moment van verliezen van de OV-chipkaart en het gestolen/vermist melden een onrechtmatige verhuring van een OV-fiets heeft plaatsgevonden, gelden dezelfde voorwaarden die gehanteerd worden bij een gestolen OV-fiets. Om aanspraak te maken op het lage eigen risico (tarieflijst) dient de reiziger aan NS OV-fiets een kopie van het proces-verbaal van aangifte van de diefstal te overleggen

That states the moment between losing your card and reporting it missing. In this case the bike was rented after it was reported missing.

Yeah, edited the reply while you posted a new one, sorry.


And indeed, it only mentions the time between losing and reporting.


But still it only says you risk losing the amount loaded on the card. Not having to pay hundreds of euros.

Als de situatie zich voordoet dat tussen het moment van verliezen van de OV-chipkaart en het gestolen/vermist melden een onrechtmatige verhuring van een OV-fiets heeft plaatsgevonden, gelden dezelfde voorwaarden die gehanteerd worden bij een gestolen OV-fiets. Om aanspraak te maken op het lage eigen risico (tarieflijst) dient de reiziger aan NS OV-fiets een kopie van het proces-verbaal van aangifte van de diefstal te overleggen

That states the moment between losing your card and reporting it missing. In this case the bike was rented after it was reported missing.

Thanks so much you guys. This really helps me with the actions I should be taking.

I will look into this with NS employees first and try out the next steps in Consumer Complaints Board.

Thanks again.
