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Extra costs when changing subscriptions?

  • 11 March 2022
  • 2 reacties
  • 532 Bekeken



On the 7th of February, I got the subscription (NS basic) which costed 0 euros p/m. However, due to the lockdown being lifted, I had to travel to work more often, so therefore I changed my subscription to an “NS Altijd Vrij” subscription that costs 362.40 euros p/m. I changed to this subscription on the 3rd of March.


Now I received two invoices, one had included the costs of 51.77 euros and the second invoice included the price of the new subscription which was 362.40 euros and the traveling costs from the basic subscription which was 44.60 euros (Total 410 euros).


The reason I’m asking this question is because I want to know what the first invoice is about which costs 51.77 euros, since the first subscription costed 0 euros p/m. Is there a fee for changing subscriptions? 


Thanks for any help.




There is no fee for changing subscriptions.

When you change a subscription, the invoice date doesn't change. Since your NS Flex basic started on the 7th of the month, future invoices will also be dated on the 7th of the month. As you changed your subscription to NS Flex Altijd Vrij on the 3rd of the month, this invoice is simply for the four days before the next invoice date.

See the periods mentioned below ‘Toelichting’ on the invoices. This invoice is for the period after the change up to and including 6 March, and the other will be for the next month starting 7 March.

The listed period is 4 days until your next monthly invoice date (7th) of the month, and since your running period (07-02 to 06-03) had 28 days (because of February) the amount is 4/28 × 362,40 = 51,77 which is somewhat higher than expected for a month.

The other invoice is for 07-03 to 06-04 (a full month) but of course you can switch again from 03-04 if needed.
