Dears Sir or Madam,
I’m writting to inform and to check if someone did realize the same:
Today I tried the tool “ Hulp bij het kiezen” to check if from 1st of January, when the Altijd Vrij + BTM Vrij Particulier will finish, I should change the abonment. I tried with the option to analyze my usage from last month. The result was that I should change to Dal Vrij, as the cost of the Dal Vrij + the journeys I should pay in “spits” it was minor than the Altijd Vrij abonment (see image below). Firstly it was a great sorprise and I was going to change my abonment but then I realized that the number of “spits” journeys was quite low. I donwloaded the information of November and then realized that it was calculated the other way around! Journeys in dal as spits and viceversa. I do not know if it was something specific for my account or not, but it could lead to an important mistake!