
Joint Journey Discount

  • 25 October 2022
  • 1 reactie
  • 344 Bekeken


I have a personal OV Chipkaart with the weekend vordeel subscription.

Can my friend get 40% off if she travels with me, even though she does not have an OV Chipkaart?



Beste antwoord door Tochjo 25 October 2022, 07:31

Bekijk origineel

1 reactie

Badge +3

Yes, that is possible, if she buys a Joint Journey Discount ticket (one-way or return). Note that this ticket is only valid during off-peak hours, i.e. she cannot be in the train during peak hours.

More information on Combined travel discount/Joint journey discount (NS uses two different translations for the Dutch term Samenreiskorting) can be found on this page.
