
NS business traject vrij

  • 2 October 2023
  • 6 reacties
  • 104 Bekeken

Hi, I have NS traject vrij Purmerend-Schagen. Do I understand correct that I can check in and out within this route only between Purmerend-Hoorn-Heerhugowaard-Schagen? how will it be calculated if I travel Amsterdam (Sloterdijk or Centraal) to Schagen?

thank you


Beste antwoord door Tochjo 2 October 2023, 16:24

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You are allowed to take any route the travel planner gives you to travel between Purmerend and Schagen, so also via Zaandam. As long as you only check in in Purmerend and check out in Schagen, or vice versa, the entire journey will be covered by your subscription.

But if you want to travel to intermediate stations, then only the stations on the shortest route (or up to 10 tariff units longer, which doesn’t apply here) are covered. So if you check in or out in Zaandam, for example, the journey Purmerend-Zaandam isn't covered and you will have to pay for this. If you check in during off-peak hours, you pay the discount fare, else you pay the full fare.

This also applies to stations in Amsterdam. Or any other station in the Netherlands, for that matter. You will always be charged for the shortest route from or to that station and the one on your trajectory. E.g. if you travelled from (checked in at) Purmerend to Alkmaar (where you checked out), you'd be charged for Heerhugowaard-Alkmaar, since this is the shortest route from Alkmaar to a station on your trajectory.

You are allowed to take any route the travel planner gives you to travel between Purmerend and Schagen, so also via Zaandam. As long as you only check in in Purmerend and check out in Schagen, or vice versa, the entire journey will be covered by your subscription.

But if you want to travel to intermediate stations, then only the stations on the shortest route (or up to 10 tariff units longer, which doesn’t apply here) are covered. So if you check in or out in Zaandam, for example, the journey Purmerend-Zaandam isn't covered and you will have to pay for this. If you check in during off-peak hours, you pay the discount fare, else you pay the full fare.

This also applies to stations in Amsterdam. Or any other station in the Netherlands, for that matter. You will always be charged for the shortest route from or to that station and the one on your trajectory. E.g. if you travelled from (checked in at) Purmerend to Alkmaar (where you checked out), you'd be charged for Heerhugowaard-Alkmaar, since this is the shortest route from Alkmaar to a station on your trajectory.

thank you for your prompt answer. But let me please clarify, in this case,  if I check in in Amsterdam Sloterdijk and check out in Schagen, will i be charged as Amsterdam-Heerhugowaard or Amsterdam-Purmerend?

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Amsterdam Sloterdijk - Purmerend, since that is shorter than Amsterdam Sloterdijk - Heerhugowaard. And by shorter I mean: a shorter route from Amsterdam Sloterdijk to a station on the shortest route between Purmerend and Schagen.

IK heb een vraag over het traject Zwolle Centraal - Rotterdam Centraal. Ik krijg hiervoor de businesskaart NS Traject Vrij. Er zijn meestal 2 routes (over utrecht of over Almere - Schiphol - Schiphol overstappen). Zijn beide trajecten te kiezen en mag ik op beide trajecten tussentijds uitstappen (bv in Almere). Mvg Ren’e 

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U mag de hele reis maken via elke route die in de reisplanner wordt gegeven. Als u in Zwolle incheckt en in Rotterdam Centraal uitcheckt, of omgekeerd, dan valt de reis onder het abonnement, ongeacht welke route uit de reisplanner gebruikt hebt.

U mag alleen kosteloos in- en uitchecken op tussengelegen stations op de kortste route en routes die maximaal tien tariefeenheden (ongeveer gelijk aan kilometers) langer zijn. In uw geval is de route via Utrecht Centraal het kortste, met 143 tariefeenheden. De route via Schiphol is meer dan tien tariefeenheden langer. U mag dus alleen zonder meerkosten de reis onderbreken op stations op de route via Utrecht. Onderbreekt u de reis op een andere route, dan worden daar kosten voor in rekening gebracht; u betaalt dan voor het kortste traject van dat station op een andere route naar een station op het traject via Utrecht.

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Als je in Almere in/uitcheckt krijg je op je factuur Almere - Amersfoort te zien (dichtstbijzijnde station op je traject), ook al reis je helemaal niet via Amersfoort.
