
ns flex dal vrij

  • 18 September 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 85 Bekeken

I have the subscription Ns flex dal Vrij which allows me to travel freely during off peak hours. However, I’m a bit torn about one thing.

Let’s say I check in with NS about 15:30, off peak hours, at Nijmegen station. But then I need to change carrier to Blauwnet in Zutphen around an hours later, in peak hours, in order to get to Enschede.  Does my discount remain so I travel freely even though I’ve checked out and in again with another carrier? or do I need to pay for the trip between Zutphen to Enschede because I checked in with blauwnet? 


Beste antwoord door Tochjo 18 September 2023, 21:56

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With NS Flex, the time of checking in with the first carrier is still the time that is taken into account to determine whether you get a discount or not with the second carrier.

So in your case you would still travel for free between Zutphen and Enschede.
