
NS weekend free subscription

  • 9 July 2022
  • 5 reacties
  • 161 Bekeken


I am trying many days to purchase a NS weekend free subscription from the NS app and from the website but it cannot accept my phone number or any phone number!!!!!


I have also a personal OV card


Beste antwoord door bahnrider 9 July 2022, 12:26

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5 reacties

Reputatie 7
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They will only accept nrs in dutch format, for mobile that is 06+ 8 digits. They accept any self-invented, as this nr is never used.

Next hurdle then to come: they will also only accept dutch IBAN (bank account-NO!!)-this can be solved by calling them with any IBAN from EU-not from outside.

hello, i would like to but Weekend Free subscription, if i buy today (21-aug-2021), will it be calculated 21-sept-2022 as a month? or 31-aug is month end? please suggest

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One month is from 21 August up to and including 20 September.

Is NS weekend free subscription not applicable to BUS?

Reputatie 7
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No. All NS-subscriptions are only valid in trains.
