
One day for NS Flex Weekend Vrij ticket

  • 27 June 2023
  • 2 reacties
  • 91 Bekeken

I just received the OV-chipkaart that I ordered 23 june that started working at 26 june and I received 27 june. Well I didn’t understood that the subscrition you pay is for the monthly and not “30 days of the month” that you can use... So with this and becuase I have a NS Flex Weekend Vrij I just have one day (30 june) to use the total of 34€ that I payed for the whole month. At the phone the service told me they can’t change. There is anything I could do?

Thank you in advance


Beste antwoord door mrfreeze 27 June 2023, 18:47

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2 reacties

Reputatie 7
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Hi kikaspp,

This is incorrect. You payed for a month, so you payed for the subscription until and including July 25th. Next month you will receive an invoice for July 26th - August 25th. And so on.
After a month (so from July 26th) the subscription can be cancelled any day. If you already payed for a full month, you'll get a refund for the unused period.

Why did you think it would only be valid in June?

Reputatie 7
Badge +3

You understood this wrong. The subscription is for a 30 day (or 31 day) period. A new subscription that started june 26th runs up until july 25th and on july 26th the new month starts up until august 25th. 

