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I bought Trajekt vrij (Eindhoven centraal - Tilburg universiteit) 7th december and activated it in exact same day. NS sent me a factuur for the subscription and connexxion on 10 december. But then I realized another factuur on 8 december 2023 which is “Traject Vrij Eindhoven Centraal - Tilburg Universiteit 07-12-2023 t/m 08-12-2023 € 13,86” Even though I bought the subscription I wonder why I had to pay this if I have already have a subscription?

Did you already have NS Flex? If you have NS Flex and change your subscription, the invoices will keep coming on the same day of the month. You will receive an additional invoice for the period between the day of change and the day of your next invoice.

From your post, it seems that your NS Flex once started on the 9th of the month and you changed to your Traject Vrij subscription on the 7th. Then you get one invoice for the two days until the 9th, and from then on invoices on the 9th of every month again. The invoice itself clearly shows what period you're paying for.

Hi hsevvalg,

You probably already had a Flex-subscription that started on the 9th. The invoice date always stays the same. So if you change your subscription on the 7th, you'll get an invoice for the 7th and 8th of December, and then a new invoice for a new whole month.
