
With Kids Vrij subscribtion children can't check-in for train. Only first time they can check-in, second time can't because it was very small saldo. What it means?

  • 13 August 2022
  • 1 reactie
  • 76 Bekeken

If kids with activated Kids Vrij need to do check-in in city tram? If yes, how much money on kids OV chipcard need to be? Or in their adults subscription payments will be included in the invoice in the end of the month? 


Beste antwoord door loklok8 13 August 2022, 05:21

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7
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Kids Vrij is only valid on trains, therefore any travelling outside of trains will be billed at the reduced rate using the credit on the OV-Chipcard. It is separate from your season ticket. 

In order to check-in, it is mandatory to have a positive balance on the card (min. €0). And yes, they also need to check-in for the tram just like for any other form of public transport. 
