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refund for cancelled train (had to take a bus the next day)

  • 4 June 2024
  • 3 reacties
  • 111 Bekeken

How could I get a refund for the following ?


On 23rd of May 2024, I had a booked ticket for the NS train leaving from Amsterdam Central and with final destionation Brussels Zuid-Midi in Belgium. 


The departure time was 21h25 from Amsterdam Central and it was supposed to arrive in Brussels Central at 00h06. 


When I arrived in Amsterdam Central at 21h18, the board showed that the train was not departing from Amsterdam Central but from Rotterdam Central. This was due to a blocked train between Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Hence there was no way for me to go from Amsterdam to Rotterdam and be on time to catch the train bringing me back to Belgium. 


As a result I do expect a full refund of my ticket since it was not possible to do the journey. I filled in the procedure but my request was denied. Hence taking it to this community to get a response and a refund.

I also do not get why such major incidents are not communicated to customers proactively via email.


De situatie lijkt me helemaal "niet zo leuk" voor deze reiziger, waarom een "like" @Henkpeetersen ? Een reactie was natuurlijk voor @Dorsandb veel beter..…


@Dorsandb : You should contact customer service directly to speak to an NS employee and explain the situation. This can be done by phone; they are available 24/7 at 030-751 51 55. You may also contact them by chat (click the link Chat with NS on this page) or by sending a message on Twitter or Facebook.

Good afternoon Dorsandb, welcome to the NS Community.

Ret.tep is on the right track, but as this concerns an international ticket that you want refunded, you can use this page instead to come into contact with the International department for your request.

If you travelled the next day, you could have travelled with the same ticket.

But you are certainly entitled to get a full refund if the journey was not possible.

Did you file a claim here?

What was the reason given to deny your request?

If NS continues to deny your request, then contact the Klachtenloket OV.
