Refund request because the trip was paid twice.

  • 29 July 2022
  • 4 reacties
  • 382 Bekeken

It was my first time when I used electronic ticket and my mistake was that even if I bought the ticket I used my ov-chipkaart for the check-in and check-out. So, it seems that I’ve been charged twice for the same trip. Since I have a proof for both payments Is it possible to refund? Here is the e-ticket:

4 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +3

Hi I Kulida,

If you've got a personal OV-chipcard, you probably can get a refund. But you'll have to contact Customer Service directly by phone (+31(0)30-7515155), chat, Facebook or Twitter.

Just to be sure: the e-ticket you bought is a so-called ‘Joint Journey Discount’ ticket. This is only valid if you travel with someone who has a valid NS-subscription.

Hi mrfreeze,
I called that number first and got the recommendation to write here, because here I can upload the e-ticket.

Ah, probably you’re right - chat, but not here - thanks!

Reputatie 7
Badge +3

To use the chat: go to this page and click on the button ‘Chat with NS'.
