
Did I do something wrong

  • 19 October 2021
  • 4 reacties
  • 214 Bekeken


so I just recently started my subscription for the Weekend Vrji ticket. Today i took the train 12.47pm from den haag centraal to eindhoven centraal and I had an encounter with a rude conductor. He claimed that I just bought the 40% off supplement but didnt bought a ticket for that. When I tried to explain myself he started screaming at me and saying that he only knows whats good and bad and that he doesn't wanna argue on that. He made me feel really uncomfortable and humiliated me. Later, I explained myself to his colleague and he realized that he was wrong. Instead of apologizing, he threw my card on my table and left. 

I checked in before entering since i thought that i will pay for the ticket price in my monthly invoice. Do I have to check in with my personal ov-chipkaart AND buy a ticket or did i already do the right thing with only checking in and out ? Also, how do I report the NS conductor ? 


Beste antwoord door Robert B 19 October 2021, 17:24

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Welcome to the NS Community!

As long as you succesfully checked in at Den Haag you did nothing wrong, no matter if you have a working subscription or not.

With an ov-chipkaart, the only extra ticket you would need to buy is for the IC direct trains between Rotterdam and Schiphol Airport.

See your Mijn NS Reishistorie (travel history) if there is a missing check-in. Contact NS Customer Service if anything is wrong.

The NS conductor can also be reported there.

Reputatie 7
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And even if you did not check in the conductor should not get so agitated. Weekend Vrij is only available to buy as an NS Flex subscription. And when you don't check in with NS Flex and get checked in the train, the conductor makes a registration you are not checked in and you receive a €50 correction fee. So no need to scream, at least not by the conductor, maybe by you when have to pay that €50. :grin:

Reputatie 6
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Hi Nana2080 and also welcome to the Community! 
I'm sorry to read that you had a bad experience and that you didn't get an apologie! Like Robert said, you can contact our costumer service to report this. They can send your complain to the right department. 

Reputatie 7
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Nou ja-komt er eindelijk eens een HC langs en is het weer niet goed!

Al met al krijg ik steeds meer het idee dat die lui grotelijks hun eigen glazen ingooien en asap wel weggedaan kunnen, al zal dat dus wel weken staken gaan opleveren. Behalve dan die ene die hr Thom in de 1e zo netjes bejegent.

Maar argumenteren met die types brengt meestal nog meer ellende;er is altijd wel iets wat niet goed is te vinden.

@nana: you said weekendvrij and its of course not weekend now. But a proper check-in simply means you pay for the trip according to tariff.
