
Luggage limit

  • 31 October 2022
  • 2 reacties
  • 340 Bekeken


I am travelling from Groningen to Amsterdam and I was wondering if I can have a suitcase other than my backpack?


I am thankful in advance for any answer on the matter! 




Beste antwoord door Stijn NS 31 October 2022, 16:18

Bekijk origineel

2 reacties

Good afternoon Diomis Afentoulis and welcome to the NS Community.

Yes, you can. There is no specific limit to the amount of luggage you can bring, other than that the dimensions need to be within 85 cm for either hight, depth or width. Also make sure your luggage does not block the aisle or other travellers and isn't placed on a seat preventing other passenger from using that seat.


Thank you so much for your quick response! Wishing you a great week!

