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regarding lost item

  • 14 June 2024
  • 5 reacties
  • 80 Bekeken

Hello, I forgot my camera in a train, created a ticket but decided to catch the train that I went going to opposite direction and thankfully a conductor/ driver found it and managed to recover it.


Do I need to do something about ticket, and if yes, how do I contact the support via email to tell them that I found my camera? Or do I just ignore the ticket and following messages

Read this and everything is clear.

In general train conductors bring the found object to a servicedesk in the final station. The office has a real time database and can see where your camera is in that case. 030 7515155.

Read this and everything is clear.

In general train conductors bring the found object to a servicedesk in the final station. The office has a real time database and can see where your camera is in that case. 030 7515155.

Train conductor found the camera and gave it to me after I caught train in another station. I'm just asking whether I need to do something with ticket that I created for it or should I just leave it.

It will result in ‘we cannot find it’. You can call 030 7515155. go  to lost and found and ask to cancel it.

....In general train conductors bring the found object to a servicedesk in the final station.....

Dit schrijf je al jaren telkens opnieuw @Thom maar is gewoon onjuist.

Personeel levert het niet in op het eindstation, zo ver dit überhaupt al mogelijk is, maar levend het in op een NS locatie met een kluis of een servicebalie. Dit kan dus overal zijn, ook op een locatie welke niet langs de route van de trein ligt.

@Saatsuj  ‘verliest’ een camera en dient meteeen een opsporingsverzoek in. Prima!

Camera wordt gevonden, perfect!

Vraagt super beleefd “wat moet ik verder met mijn opsporingssverzoek doen?”

Nou niets dus, case closed! 

No need to have the report closed @Saatsuj it’s all good.

United with a camera, pictures in your head may differ 😅
