
I travelled in 2nd class but I got an email about being in 1st class

  • 20 November 2023
  • 2 reacties
  • 95 Bekeken

Hello everyone, 

I have been travelling back and forth today in 2nd class, but I received an email about extra money that I need to pay because of a 1st class “supplement”. I don’t really understand, I never seat on the red chairs… Would you know what is it about? 

Thank you for your help!


Beste antwoord door Erryt NS 20 November 2023, 21:41

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2 reacties

"I never seat on the red chairs"

The real question is whether you were in first class?

Hello Durand, welcome at our community,


Indeed, it is not about whether you werse sitting in a red seat, but if you were in the first class. The best thing to do is to reach our customer service to see if antyhing can be done about the fine.
