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NS Flex Daal Vrij - Invoicing

  • 11 June 2024
  • 6 reacties
  • 99 Bekeken


I have a question regarding my subscription and invoicing.

I always receive the invoice on the 10th day of each month.

On 10/06/2024, I changed my subscription from NS Flex Weekend Vrij to NS Flex Daal Vrij.

After changing my subscription, I received a new invoice, stating that I need to pay 78,88 euros for the period from 10/06/2024 to 08/07/2024.

I do not understand why I was not charged 119,95 euros, as my new subscription also includes free travel on weekends. Also, will I be charged again for the remaining amount? Can you please explain how this will be handled?

Thanks in advance.


6 reacties

Reputatie 6

Good evening Leilabd. Welcome to the NS Community.

Because you've already paid for the Weekend Free part, you're now only paying for the rest of the Dal Vrij product up to your next month. The following invoice will be the full price you're expecting, for the full month.

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Welcome to the NS Community!

Your fixed monthly (invoice) date does not change when changing a Flex subscription. For you, this is the 9th (invoice on the 10th). What you see is an interim/partly invoice.

When changing Weekend Vrij to Dal Vrij, you now pay for 29 days in a 30 day month.

This would be 29/30 × 119,95 = € 115,95 but you also get a refund for 29 unused/remaining days of Weeend Vrij, which is 29/30 × 34,95 ≈ -€ 33,78

This adds up to the € 82,17 shown, means you already paid the € 33,78 for ‘unlimited travel in weekends’ for the 10/06 - 08/07 period via your 10/06 invoice.

For 40% discount in off-peak hours (no need to pay for that because it’s included in Dal Vrij) you get a refund of 29/30 × 3,40 = -€ 3,29

Thank you. So, does it mean that 1) the receipt I received on 10/06/2024 for May expenses included the Weekend Free part for June, 2) and I will get the 119,95 euros receipt in July?

See the receipt I received for May: 


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Thank you. So, does it mean that 1) the receipt I received on 10/06/2024 for May expenses included the Weekend Free part for June, 2) and I will get the 119,95 euros receipt in July?

That is correct, your next monthly invoice (for 09/07 until 08/08) will show the price for the next full month (€ 119,95 plus travel costs not covered by your subscription).

Reputatie 7

Just to clarify a little more, it's nothing new your invoice includes your subscription for the upcoming month. You always pay NS Flex subscriptions up front. On one monthly invoice, you are charged for trips of the past month together with susbscriptions for the next month.

Thank you so much, everyone, now it is all clear! 
