(The original photo is too large, thus I uploaded a screenshot of it.)
Weird, but not the only one: see here or here. I’m sure they'll fix it soon.
Thank you for reporting this issue. We've had multiple reports about this and we're already investigating it, but I don't know yet when it'll be fixed. Hopefully it'll be soon!
Update: the issue has been found and it should be solved now.
@MoDe Do you mean to say with your post that you still see the issue, even though the picture seems to be from this morning?
If the issue is still there after I posted the update, I'd like to know the location and time, so I can relay it to the team working on it.
@MoDe Do you mean to say with your post that you still see the issue, even though the picture seems to be from this morning?
If the issue is still there after I posted the update, I'd like to know the location and time, so I can relay it to the team working on it.
Vanmorgen Al doorgegeven via Twitter. Machinist van bewuste trein stond zelf met verbazing te kijken. Blijkbaar is goede reisroute vlak voor vertrek in de trein aangegeven want ineens stapten er mensen vlak voor het sluiten van de deuren uit.
So the picture wasn't taken after I posted the update that the issue was resolved. That is good to hear, I feared for a moment that it might not have been solved after all when you posted it.
So the picture wasn't taken after I posted the update that the issue was resolved. That is good to hear, I feared for a moment that it might not have been solved after all when you posted it.
Picture from 9.55 uur this morning.
Rond 12.00 was er een algemene mededeling op de vertrek-screens-en ik meen zelfs een omroep-dat veel reisinfo op die screens niet zou kloppen-de allerzoveelste technische storing. Of het weer hierin een rol speelt-wie het weet mag het zeggen-of niet. Schijnt alweer verholpen
Eh, ja, dat het verholpen is zeg ik hierboven al
Het weer speelde geen rol, maar een foutje in een update wel. De update is teruggedraaid op de betreffende borden. De omroep was inderdaad vanwege dit probleem.
Grappig, dit zijn nou net de zaken die een unit test wel moet kunnen afdekken.