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Hi, i just wonder if it's reasonable when I checked in to a wrong station(I want to take M52 but I check in from train door and check out in 3 mins it costs me 7.48 euro. can I get it refund?

Hi XF.Hu,

Something must have gone wrong, because if you check out at the same station within 60 minutes, the check-in is cancelled and you won't be charged.

Can you post a screenshot of your travel history?

Hi Thanks for your prompt reply. Here I attached the SS for your reference.


As you can see nothing was charged. (€ 0,00)
Why do you think it cost you € 7,48?

because I got the message from my charged.


*Image deleted by moderator because of personal information.


You were charged 7.48 euros for a total of four journeys in the Amsterdam region, with bus and metro, not for the erroneous checking in and out. If you go to (you can change the language from Nederlands to English at the right top corner) and enter the payment reference number and the amount, you can see for which trips this withdrawal is.

Unfortunately we cannot read your screenshot in Chinese, but transactions with OVpay may show up as “reservation” in your bank app. The money is then not withdrawn yet, but just reserved on your account and this reservation will eventually disappear as you won't have to pay when leaving the station within an hour.

It may also be, as the time on the bank statement is hours after your trip, that the charge is actually for another trip you've made that day.

thanks for your kind explanation!
