
Forgot to check in

  • 17 December 2021
  • 1 reactie
  • 1294 Bekeken

Hello! I forgot to check in on a train ride.What should i do in this situation?


Beste antwoord door Thom 17 December 2021, 20:01

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +4

A check-in is the prove of a valid ticket. A check out means paying  the correct price. They belong together.

Check out, accept the 20 euro costs and contact Customer Service. They will probably correct it. A passing train conductor will sell you a ticket with 50 euros extra costs. You have to accept it, as you do not have a valid ticket.   In this case and when it is a first fine, customer service may skip it. With bad behaviour towards the train conductor probably not. So accept it, and contact Customer service afterwards.

This is a one time solution. Check in for a valid ticket, check out with the same company for paying the right price. That is how the system works. It gives hassle when you don’t.
