
how can I get my payment early?

  • 6 January 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 71 Bekeken

I am going to shut down my bunq account since I'm leaving the country.

So I want to pay my 1.62 euro(I guess) for January as soon as possible.

But I couldn't find where to pay.

Can someone help me?


Beste antwoord door Stijn NS 6 January 2023, 11:01

Bekijk origineel

1 reactie

Good morning PARK CHANSONG and welcome to the NS Community.

I'm not sure what exactly these expenses are for, but assuming it would be an NS Flex invoice, then it is not possible to pay this early. After an invoice is created, it will be taken from your bank account through an automatic charge. Manually paying the amount before that charge happens will only result in that transfer being refunded. It won't prevent the automatic charge.

If you shut down your bank account before the charge happens, the charge will fail and you will have to transfer it manually. Perhaps that is an option for you, but I don't know how easy it is for you to make that transfer without your current bank account.

If you need any more specific information, please contact our Customer Service. The NS Community has no access to your customer information. You can reach our Customer Service by phone, chat or Social Media. All contact details can be found here.
