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missed check in or checkout

  • 19 October 2021
  • 3 reacties
  • 315 Bekeken

Hi everybody ! I have my ns flex abbonament, during the last 2 months if i check the cronology of my travels is found a notice for a missed check in or check out, so i have to pay 20 euro extra, that s impossible! Because when i travel for work im forced to do the check in by utrecht centrall till amstel ( and the same for comeback) otherwise how can i go to till my spoor? I tryed to claim, but nobodies helped me...what else can i do?

3 reacties

Reputatie 6
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Hi fabio.ditrapani-fbd3!

How unfortunate that you have to pay the extra € 20.00. Sometimes it can be a malfunction in the machine or maybe you checked too soon after the person who was before you. Did you already contact our costumer service? They can help you to correct this.

Amstel is a station with gates/poles for NS and the subway. Did you check out at GVB? Then you should have an incomplete journey as well with GVB. 

Reputatie 7
Badge +1

Yes, this dutch system is utterly confusing-also for us.

You can easily check whats happened bij simply checking mijnNS. It wil now show GVB (=amsterdam metro) but something like ´unknown 

You can rectify these incomplete checkins/outs on the site- for GVB on ´uitcheckgemist´

In Amstel (going into the side of the trams) there is 1 side for GVB and  side for NS. 
