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Hi. I unfortunately don’t speak Dutch yet, so I’m confused by the ov chipkaart website.

when I got my card I set it for am automatic 10 euro top up. Last week it charged me 30 euro out of the blue. It was weird, but I used the card and it seemed to automatically go on to the account. I haven’t used the card again in 3 days, but today it pulled another 20 euro from the account. What is happening? That’s 50 euro in less than a week and I’ve barely used 10. I don’t get why it keeps topping up when I’m not going through it that quickly at all.

Welcome to our NS Community, Sio. The automatic topping is a product of OV-chipkaart themselves. They can explain more about this. 

As far as I know it will top up everytime you reach below 0. Seen the fact that NS has a 20 euro boarding fare (without a season ticket), so it's quite possible multiple charges were done. Please check the trips you've made and the balance on your OV-chipcard according to this. You can do so on

The withdrawal from your bank account occurs several days after automatic topping up took place. In the details of the bank statement you can find the exact date and time that this happened.

That the amount withdrawn is larger than the travel costs simply means that there's now more credit on the card than before topping up took place. Credit is never lost.
