
Refund of OV chipcard unbalance balance gone wrong

  • 15 March 2022
  • 9 reacties
  • 1292 Bekeken


I have encountered the following case today, and I would like to see if anyone can advise me on how to best address it with NS.

 I have a personalized ov chipcard with prepaid charging. At some point end of last year, I have applied for a subscription and needed to connect my card to a bank account; hence the ov card carried an unused balance of >100eur. Today I tried to get the balance back from NS at the customer desk in Amsterdam CS. The counter employee has confirmed that it’s possible to get the balance back by withdrawing the balance from the card and debiting it onto my debit card. During the transaction, the debit card displayed the error, and I was instructed that it was not possible to complete it and asked to come back with a different debit card. However, when I checked the ov card balance the balance was zero, and I didn’t get money in my bank account either. When I asked the counter employee for receipt of the transaction, I was told it was not possible and that even if the debit card authorization didn’t work, blaming it to the fact that it was caused by the fact that I also have a subscription, the money would be refunded to my account. At this stage, I lost the unused balance of >100eur from my ov card and received no transaction evidence from the desk customer service employee. I was told this is how it works, and I was suggested to check my bank account in 5 days, and if this doesn’t work, contact customer service for support. However, as the counter employee refused me to get any written transaction document while my unused balance disappeared from my ov card, I feel very uncomfortable about the whole process. The counter employee has blamed me that I should have flagged that I have ov flex subscription on that card as well, which according to the counter employee, caused the issue. She has done everything correctly and cannot share any evidence, and if I have a problem, I should contact customer service. I am worried that I lost my money, and I have no receipt from NS about the transaction, while it felt that something was wrong in the process. The desk counter employee was not customer friendly expressing that if I have a problem, it’s not for her to solve. Does anyone have good advice how to deal with it address it with NS? 


Beste antwoord door Maxime NS 17 March 2022, 21:51

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9 reacties

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If you indeed took an NS Flex subscription, then any prepaid balance will be transferred into your bank account automatically. The balance was already 0 at the time you went to the Amsterdam ticket desk. Do check your bank account. I'm not sure how long it should take after taking the subscription but 5 days sounds reasonable.

Reputatie 7
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The prepaid will first be used to pay any new subscription-the remaining balance will then be automatically transferred to the bankaccount you used to start the FLEX.

Unless you have this time started to use a new account and was hence forced to make a payment to prove the account is legitimate.

Badge +3

When you switch to an NS Flex subscription, the balance is removed from the card when activating NS Flex at a machine, and will show up in your Mijn NS Reishistorie as ‘€ Klanten service’ with a negative amount.

It will be reimbursed after a month via your first monthly invoice, 

Thank you for all the good advices shared about automated process. Unfortunately, the issue seems a bit more complicated. Upon contact with NS customer service we received a confirmation that the balance of >100eur was visible under the ov card, while normally it should have been automatically deducted from NS invoice upon NS flex subscription (which was active as of last year), which unfortunately didn’t happen. At the request to NS to find the solution to get the balance refunded, the NS customer service redirected us to OV chip customer service as party that needs to resolve it, and OV customer service bounced it back that the balance needs to be automatically deducted from your NS Flex invoice. Hence, we seem to be stuck between two customer service desks that say it’s other party that we need to address it. Any suggestions on possible escalation process or to path we could take to find the solution? 

If you did not activate NS Flex when you got it within a month, then the automatic refund of the balance does not happen when you start using NS Flex way later. The correct way to go is to get it back via the service desk, they are supposed to be able to help you with this even when you have NS Flex on your card. If it is not still on your card or on it's way back to you then something went wrong at the service desk. The service desk is the place to get your money back if it is still on the card and NS Flex is active on your card. OV-chipcard costumer service only gives balance back if you block the card. 

Thank you for the suggestion on blocking the card as a next step we can take. It always feels better to know there is next alternative.

Good Morning, My name is Dailé Osorio-Roig. I have a season ticket (OV chipcard) with the number 3528 0704 0667 9811 which was canceled at end of November,2022 via my application mijnns. In addition, I received an email from NS on November 27th which confirms my cancellation with 0 euros of registration. However, the money about registration is still being discounted from the card of my friend. The last discount updated on this card is on 12 euros on January 3rd, 2023. Please, could you help with this? I am not using the NS anymore as I live in Germany. My last checkout was on November 24th,2022. Also, I would like to know how can I refund the wrong discount (12 euros) to the card of my friend as I am sure that I canceled NS on time and I received a confirmation email from NS about that. Thanks.

Good Morning I would like to block the inscription of my chip card 3528 0704 0667 9811.



Hi! What a shame this all went wrong for you. Unfortunately it's not possible to look at your card or travel history here. Please contact Customer Service instead!
