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Best suited travel card for my parents

  • 7 March 2023
  • 4 reacties
  • 183 Bekeken


Me and my wife live in the Netherlands and we both have our personal ov-chipkaarts. My parents are visiting the Netherlands for sometime and i would like to take them for a tour in the Netherlands and for that they would need ov-chipkaarts. 

I wanted to know what should be the best option for me to do here. i have some clue that i can avail my ov-chipkaart discount to some extent for one other person who has anonymous card but i am not able to find full details about it.
it would be great if you could suggest me if there are better affordable ways of doing it.

4 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +3

For how long will your parents be visiting? Ïn which country do they reside?

Will they tour on their own or will they be travelling with you? Will they be travelling by train only or will they be using other means of public transport too?

How many days will they be travelling in the Netherlands?

More information on “Samenreiskorting” or “Combined Travel Discount” in NS speak on


My parents will be here for 20 days. They live in India.

They will be travelling with me always. They will use all kinds of public transport.

Thanks for the answer.

Reputatie 5

As Imark mentioned you can buy e-tickets with Samenreiskorting online, without the need for ov-chipcards (


  • You could consider buying your parents an EUrail pass: Benelux Pass | Unlimited travel up to for 8 days within one month. But only valid on the train!
  • Buy off-peak NS group tickets (also no chipkaart needed): Off-Peak Group Ticket | Losse kaartjes ( for single day use.
  • For travelling by bus/tram/metro, econmically attractive group tickets exists in some regions of the Netherlands. Often these can be bought from the bus driver. See for a full overview here (albeit in Dutch): Dagkaartenoverzicht - Rover


Alright. Thanks for the info.
