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Hi all,


Yesterday was my first time traveling with my OV-chipkaart. I traveled from Weert to Eindhoven and back. I checked in at weert and of course cannot leave the station without tapping my card at the gates in Eindhoven. Same on the way back. 


However, on Mijn NS, I only see my first check-in at weert and a €20 boarding charge. Since I am 100% confident that i checked-in and -out correctly, I am wondering how long it takes for that to get updated on Mijn NS. 

It might just take a few days before your journeys will appear correctly in your (Mijn NS) travel history.

In the worst case it could even be weeks. Check if you want to be sure sooner.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, that also happens to me and others all the time.

It might just take a few days before your journeys will appear correctly in your (Mijn NS) travel history.
