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kids free subscription

  • 29 November 2022
  • 6 reacties
  • 221 Bekeken



I have added kids can travel for free on his ov card. However today when travelled he charged full amount + during return journey he charged €20 euro, it says due to miss check out.

6 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +4

Do your children own their own ov-chipcard with Kidsvrij subscription? In that case  contact Customer Service. 

Kidsvrij cannot be on your own card. Check-in and Check out are always needed, but children with a valid Kidsvrij subscription on their own card cannot be charged for the full amount, nor a fine.

Reputatie 7
Badge +1

Basic rule here; ANY passenger needs his/her own card-and any discount like this is ONLY possible on a personal card=with foto+name on it. As is of course also rather clearly explained in all the info-rules.

In essence this means that KidsVRij is not really ´free´ -as one has to pay 7,50 for this chipcard.

Reputatie 7
Badge +3

I have added kids can travel for free on his ov card.

I have added kids can travel for free on his ov card.


I think you added Kids Free to an excisting ov card? 

Did you add Kids Free only on the NS website? Or did you also pick up the subscription on an NS (or ov chip) machine?

The OV chipcard is dumb. Unless you put the subscription onto the card, the gates and poles won't know your son has Kids Free


Thanks for your reply. I went to ov desk station and they try to do the same. So I guess, It does add to card. But, still he had  been charged for his travel.

Reputatie 7
Badge +1

TI went to ov desk station and they try to do the same. So I guess, It does add to card. But, still he had  been charged for his travel.

Did they confirm that the Kids Vrij subscription was on the card?

If you check the card on an NS ticket machine, does it show the Kids Vrij subscription?
