
How to cancel your subscription from abroad

  • 2 September 2015
  • 262 reacties
  • 33025 Bekeken

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262 reacties

Hi, I recently moved to Portugal. Upon arrival my belongings were stolen and it was quite a hectic time.

I also lost my NS card and subscription details. I need to cancel my subscription.

I already reported my OV chipcard as stolen. I had a subscription of Vrij Reizen weekend, on it.

I have been agonizing for months over my stuff and finding a place to stay now that my finances are limited.

Can I make a payment arrangement over the last payments due of my subscription and please can it be

cancelled as soon as possible?

Thank you for responding!


A regular cancelation of a NS subscription needs to be completed at a ticket machine. When you live abroad, an alternative option is available.

Cancel your OV-chipcard
1. Register here. This registration is in Dutch. Fill in a username, your mail address and a password.
2. Report your card as lost or stolen here. Do not ask for a replacement of the card.

If you do not wish to cancel the OV-chipcard, please make sure someone you know can complete the cancelation, by giving them your card. In that case you do not need to cancel the card. He or she can then end the subscription by calling NS Customer Service by phone (030-751 51 55).

Cancel your subscription
Two days after cancelation of the card, please contact NS Customer Service per Twitter (NS_online) or by phone (0031 30 75 15 250).

Keep in mind that if you received a reminder of payment, you do need to pay the subscription fee. After cancelation, a refund of the remaining months will be transferred.

Extra information
- Lost your card? Please contact OV-chipcard at @OVchipkaart or through this page
@Nathany, I advice you to read the steps Sivan NS gave in the first comment of this topic. You don't need a Dutch address to have a account at OV-chipcard to block the card. After 5 days you can contact us to end the contract.

I want to cancel my subscription and since i'm no longer stay in netherland i would like to ask how can i do it online. I have tried before by reporting it as lost card but apparently they need to send some activation code to link the card by post which not possible for me. Please help me how to get it done asap as the subscription fee has been charged continuously though i havent use it for years
You can also contact the ov-chipcompany via Twitter.
Hi there
To be able to cancel my Ov chipkaart, I need to change my email address. Is there any way which is faster than sending a contact form? calling not an option as well. I tried but we didn't understand each other pronunciation. It lead to mistaken in my email address.
Hello a-ntsy,

Two days after cancelation of the card, please contact NS Customer Service per Twitter (NS_online) or by phone (0031 30 75 15 250) for the cancelation. I can help you with this cancelation but it will take a few days. You can also go to our Live Chat for the cancelation.
Hi, I want to cancel my NS subscription (40% discounts yearly) as I've already left Netherlands. I did as the instructions and I've already blocked my OV Chipcard. Can anybody help me terminate my subscription?
Hi Karolina,

Please contact our NS Customer Service via Twitter (@NS_online), Facebook or by phone (0031 30 75 15 250). You can also send me a private message with name, address en OV-chipcardnumber.
Hi, I want to cancel my NS subscription (40% discounts on travel) as I left a Netherlands over 6 months ago. I've already blocked my Personal OV Card. Can anybody help me with that?
That would have been a better solution, but unfortunately they forgot to implement such facility when they designed the OV-chipcard system.
Reputatie 1

After that you can order a replacement card at TLS, because the old one is broken. Your old subscriptions are pre-loaded on that OV-chipcard, so you can still continue to use your subscription. That's why sending the card to NS doesn't guarantee that you cannot use your subscription anymore.

Well, as far as I see it that would be up to NS to block or treat s a new contract. Sending a registered cancellation letter including the card should be a legally binding and valid cancellation of the contract(s).
What has happened to the standard / default way to end any legal contract? Just sending a registered (to have proof) letter and glue the card cut in two parts to the letter? That is old-fashioned and it costs some money to send a registered letter, but it should work without any additional hassels, or?

Why is noone even suggesting it as a fallback option?

After that you can order a replacement card at TLS, because the old one is broken. Your old subscriptions are pre-loaded on that OV-chipcard, so you can still continue to use your subscription. That's why sending the card to NS doesn't guarantee that you cannot use your subscription anymore.
Product Terms and Conditions for Consumer Season Tickets 5.2:

At the end of the first Season Ticket year, you have the right to terminate the Season Ticket valid for an unlimited period on the same day of the month as the day on which your Season Ticket started. In addition to this required termination, the Season Ticket will not terminate prior to the time you have removed the Season Ticket from your OV-chipkaart (Deactivated) electronically at a machine approved by Trans Link Systems B.V.
Your payment obligation and/or any right to a refund of all or part of the season ticket payment will not lapse until after this electronic deactivation.

You can always choose to block your ov-chipcard. Then Customer Service can terminate your subscription without electronic deactivation.
Reputatie 1
Reading only a fraction of all these peoples (this seems to be problem no. 1 for foreigners) posts having sooo many problems cancelling their subscription etc. I wonder:

What has happened to the standard / default way to end any legal contract? Just sending a registered (to have proof) letter and glue the card cut in two parts to the letter? That is old-fashioned and it costs some money to send a registered letter, but it should work without any additional hassels, or?

Why is noone even suggesting it as a fallback option?
Hmm.. That's strange. Can you send me a private message with the OV-chipcardnumber you received in your e-mail?
@Did you contact our customer service after you blocked the OV-chipcard to end the subscription?

One of the moderators on here helped me after I blocked the card. I got the money I had on the card returned too. I thought that was it finished with. I don't understand why it has to be so complicated.
@Did you contact our customer service after you blocked the OV-chipcard to end the subscription?
Back again. I thought I had gotten everything (card and subscription) cancelled but I just received a mail from NS telling me that I have a continuing yearly subscription which begins on the 3rd Oct 2016, and that the price has increased.

I'm now worried that they expect me to still pay.
Thank you very much!!!!
Hi, I'm abroad and I receive a email saying that the want to charge euros 50 for "NS abonnement" we don't want another year subscripction. I cancelled the card *** could you please cancell this emails and abonnement?
Thanks in advance

Enrique, I already made sure that the contract has been cancelled so you dont have to pay, for more info you can always send me a private message.
Hi, I'm abroad and I receive a email saying that the want to charge euros 50 for "NS abonnement" we don't want another year subscripction. I cancelled the card could you please cancell this emails and abonnement?
Thanks in advance

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Heb het al verwijderd Thom 🙂 Thx!
Reputatie 7
Badge +4
Hi, I'm abroad and I receive a email saying that the want to charge euros 50 for "NS abonnement" we don't want another year subscripction. I cancelled the card **** could you please cancell this emails and abonnement?
Thanks in advance

This is a public forum. Please delete your number.
Hi, I'm abroad and I receive a email saying that the want to charge euros 50 for "NS abonnement" we don't want another year subscripction. I cancelled the card *** could you please cancell this emails and abonnement?
Thanks in advance

Hi Enrique, I would like to help you with this case. Could you send me a private message with your personal details? I will help you there.
Hi, I'm abroad and I receive a email saying that the want to charge euros 50 for "NS abonnement" we don't want another year subscripction. I cancelled the card *** could you please cancell this emails and abonnement?
Thanks in advance
Hello IrisL. Did they explain via Twitter why it's not working?

In the message above yours I'm explaining the contact details. In case you have no other option, you can send me a private message. Keep in mind that an answer could take a while because I'm not always here.
