
How to cancel your subscription from abroad

  • 2 September 2015
  • 262 reacties
  • 33025 Bekeken

*Last updated: October 5, 2021*

A regular cancellation of an NS subscription needs to be completed at a ticket machine. When you live abroad, an alternative option is available.

Cancel your OV-chipcard
1. Register here. This registration is in Dutch. Fill in a username, your mail address and a password.
2. Report your card as lost or stolen here. Do not ask for a replacement of the card.

Cancel your subscription
2-3 days after cancellation of the card, please contact NS Customer service via Social Media (Facebook/Twitter), Live Chat or by phone (0031 30 75 15 250). Our Customer Service will then be able to completely cancel NS Flex for you.

Keep in mind that if you received a reminder of payment, you do need to pay the subscription fee. After cancellation, a refund of the remaining months will be transferred.

Extra information
- Lost your card? Please contact OV-chipcard through this page.

262 reacties

@AdroniNS: There is a difference between terminating the card itself and terminating the subscription that is placed on your card. It seems that you have only sent your card in by post and received a refund of the remaining balance. Before you terminate your OV-chipkaart, you need to make sure that all travel products are removed from the card. These two steps are explained here. If you did not perform step 1, you can still do this by calling NS Customer Service by phone (030-751 51 55). You can also chat with us (click on 'live chat' to start a conversation) or send us a message via Twitter or Facebook.


Thanks, Inge. I used the chat and they provided quick and efficient help. I would recommend the live chat to all people that live abroad the Netherlands. The phone option seems not to be working and the Eva system won´t recognize your phone number unless it´s Dutch.


Hi, I'm abroad and I receive a email saying that the want to charge euros 50 for "NS abonnement" we don't want another year subscripction. I cancelled the card *** could you please cancell this emails and abonnement?
Thanks in advance

Enrique, I already made sure that the contract has been cancelled so you dont have to pay, for more info you can always send me a private message.
Hello LCerro and welcome to the NS Serviceforum.

I will look into your case. Can you send me a private message with your full name, (dutch former) postalcode and housenumber, your date of birth and the OV-chipcardnumber? You can send me a privatemessage by clicking on my name and chosing 'stuur bericht'. I'll be available to help till 22:00 CET today. If you message me later, I will look into it as soon as I can.

Thank you very much Thomas! I've just sent you a private message.
Hi, Thomas,

Yes, I understand and thanks very much.
Good afternoon,

I have the same problem shown by other users. I tried to call the suggested number but I cannot reach them. I don´t have twitter and I´m not sure which Facebook page/group I should contact.

I was in the Netherlands until last Christmas and before I left I made sure that I cancelled my OV-chipkaart subscription properly, sending them my card with an account cancellation form by post. I thought everything would be fine but now I received an e-mail warning me about the renewal of my subscription unless I contact NS for cancellation. I even remember giving a friend's Dutch bank account in order to transfer the money that was left in the card and my friend told me that she received the money shortly after my request was made.

So, I really don´t understand what´s going on here. I´ve heard about other similar cases and I think that NS is treating many ex-customers like crap for no reason. Sivan NS, please don´t tell me that it´s our fault because we didn´t cancel the contract on time or so on, because it´s not true for most cases. And even so, NS is making it almost impossible for us to cancel our subscription.

I would appreciate any help and guidance with this issue.

Referentienummer: 3422822
OV-chipkaart nummer: ****
Please pay the amount due, cancel your card at and then contact NS per Twitter, Facebook or by sending a letter. Good luck!
My name is Jin PRIVATE. I want to cancel my dal voordeel abonnement and ov-chipcard.(Kaartnummer : PRIVATE) I already cancelled my ov-chipcard following the instructions mentioned above.

However, I believe I still have to pay the subscription fee. I got an e-mail asking me to pay 50 euro for the renewal for the 2015-2016. After completing my degree in August 2015, I do not live in the Netherlands and I do not need dal voordeel.

I would like to ask for your help in two matters:

(1) I would appreciate if you could help me to cancel my dal voordeel abonnement.
(2) I am not sure if I had paid the past abonnement as I changed my bank account from ING to Rabobank. If there is anything I need to pay for the past abonnement, please let me know. I am willing to pay for the past abonnement.

However, I do not want to pay for the renewal of new abonnement (2015-2016). So, please exclude this when you calculate.

Thank you very much.
Hi Jin.

According to our records, your card is not cancelled yet. When did you do this and how?

You still owe NS an amount of € 320.00. I advise you to contact NS as soon as possible. In this case, please contact us through I will then forward it to my colleagues. Keep in mind that you do need to pay the amount mentioned.
Hallo Sivan. Thank you for your reply. I just sent an e-mail via

I just applied for the cancellation of my ov chipcard yesterday. So, I think it might take a few days. About the payment, I would like to pay 320.00 euro as soon as possible. Could you tell me how I can pay (the bank account of NS)?

However, as I mentioned above, I do not want to pay for the abonnement of 2015-2016 as I do not need this. Is the abonnement of 2015-2016 excluded in the payment of 320.00 euro?

Please let me know the phone number of NS that I can from abroad. Thank you very much for your help.
Jwooskie, could you send me a message this Friday? Just click on my name and 'Stuur Bericht'. If you give me your card number and first/last name, I will cancel the subscription and give you all the information regarding the payment. I will make sure the payment for upcoming year will not be charged.
Dear Sivan,

Thank you very much for your quick reply! It would be indeed very helpful. I will send a message to you on Friday. However, it would be helpful if you could send the information as soon as possible, because I really want to solve this issue asap.

Again, thank you 🙂
I can see you already send me the message. I will contact you this Friday.
Thank you 🙂 I will wait for your reply.

I can see you already send me the message. I will contact you this Friday.

While still in The Netherlands, end of this October, I wanted to cancel my kard, via phone client service. I was told, it's all fine, now I need to find a machine, to round up the cancelation. It was not possible on any machines I tried during the rest of my stay, so I left the country.

Than I canceled my card via (reported stolen). Thought it should be all fine then. Now I got a reminder e-mail from NS, that I should not forget to cancel the subscription from my card by the NS machine... With my stolen card?

I had still some 60€ on that card I would like to see back on my bankaccount. What am I supposed to do?
Thank you,
Hi Daniel,

It would be better if you contacted us after you found out the deactivation was not possible at any of the machines.

After cancelation of the card, another cancelation of the subscription is needed. Could you give me the reference number of the contract?

The money on the card will be refunded through Customer Service OV-chipcard.

I did contact phone client service about the problem with the machine. They told me, "Sorry, then it is not possible, you better cancel your card". So really canceling the card was the best idea of the client service. I was surprised, but followed the instructions.

I don't have the paper contract anymore, I still have the card number though. Hope that number will do as well.

Thank you for quick reaction,
I removed the card number.

Your contract was cancelled on October 22. On that same date my colleague indeed told you that you need to cancel the card. No call was received after that date.

The current cancelation will expire on November 16. After this date I can cancel the subscription again for you, without the necessity of deactivation. Could you post another comment on this date?

The second call was also on the 22nd, a couple of hours later, from the airport. But it doesn't matter now I gues.
It would be indeed great if you could cancel the subscription for me. I will post on the 16th.

Thank you again!
I've reported the lost of my OV card, do I still need to cancel my subscription by giving a phone call to NS customer service or Twitter? (I dont have Twitter though....)

Could you help me cancel the subscription? My card detail is listed followed:
OV-chipkaart: PRIVATE

@Daniel: you are welcome!
@Naokizen: be careful with what you put on a public forum. I have removed the card number. Did you cancel the card today? I cannot see the cancelation of the card. Please wait a few more days and contact me again through a private message by clicking on my name and 'Stuur bericht'.
Hi Sivan,

I am writting again, as you asked, about the subscribtion on my account. Please remove it, if possible.
Would you need the card number again?

Thank you,
Yes, could you send it per private message? Just click on my name and 'Stuur bericht'.
Daniel, your subscription has been cancelled per October, 2015. No further actions will be needed.
Great! Thank you 😃

Good afternoon JuliJap. Welcome to the NS Community.

Sadly I can't cancel the subscription for you here. Please contact our Twitter of Facebook departement to get this fixed. 
