I do have the simmilar problem. I was erasmus student in Netherlands two years ago. I am not using ov chipcard for two years. I did not even know about subscription. I am trying to cancel subscription online but it is not working.
Because I have czech number i can not call to TNS and cancel that. Becuase it is possible to the that just from germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands or Belgium.
What I am supposed to do???I have email invoice, for 90 Euro! Do I have to pay that?
You said above ,,Keep in mind that if you received a reminder of payment, you do need to pay the subscription fee. After cancelation, a refund of the remaining months will be transferred." DOes it mean that you will give me my 90 euros back????
Thanks for help!
I try to cancel it via Twiter, I tried to call but nothing is working!
jose91, I'm sorry to read this. Unfortunately it is hard for me to give you information without your personal details. I would like to advice you to contact us via
Facebook or
Chat. If that's not possible for you it is also an idea to send me a direct message (click on my name and send message), but because this case needs to be solved as soon as possible I would advice you to contact us via social media. I am not always here, so there's a big chance I can't help you soon enough.
Hi there! I receive an e-mail that I have to pay 90 euros for a suscription. I would like to cancel the suscription and the OV-Chipkaart, because on May 2015 I applied for it and I pay the suscription but I never received he Chipkaart. I haven't received the card yet. I called NS in May to solve and to cancel but it seems not helped. I paid a suscription and I couldn't use the card and now I don't want to pay again. I tried to cancel my suscription in time but I didn't receive my card so I couldn't enter the expiration date of my card (required).I need help! Thank you!
Hoi Peter. De vervaldatum van jouw kaart is 07.05.2020.
Ik woon al enige tijd in het buitenland, maar heb nog steeds een abonnement lopen. Ik heb mijn OV-pas niet meer, en kan daarom ook niet mijn pas blokkeren via OV-chipkaart.nl (ik weet niet wat de vervaldatum van de kaart is).
Referentienummer is 5049820. Kaartnummer kan ik PM'en.
When you click on my name you will get an option to send a private message. Please send your personal details with cardnumber and your emailaddress. I will help you further.
EDIT: It is sorted out and neilly's subscription is terminated.
Ok, I managed to get my chipkaart registered as lost/stolen. What do I now have to do to get the voordeel subscription cancelled?
I recently left The Netherlands and want to cancel my OV-chipkaart (with voordeelurenabonnement). I tried to declare that it was lost/stolen.
I had never before registered an account at ov-chipkaart.nl and therefore never had a card linked to an account there. I also never had an e-mail attached to the card and I no longer have a permanent postal address to which an activation code for the card can be sent.
So I'm basically confused as to how to progress.
Hi neilly,
I'll advise you to first contact OV-chipkaart about this situation. Over
here you can find the contact information. You can fill in a contact form or contact them via Twitter (@OVchipkaart). Please contact our customer service 4 working days after you reported the card lost or stolen. By then we can terminate your contract.
I recently left The Netherlands and want to cancel my OV-chipkaart (with voordeelurenabonnement). I tried to declare that it was lost/stolen.
I had never before registered an account at ov-chipkaart.nl and therefore never had a card linked to an account there. I also never had an e-mail attached to the card and I no longer have a permanent postal address to which an activation code for the card can be sent.
So I'm basically confused as to how to progress.
No, only €50/12 for each remaining month of the year.
Will the reimbursement be the full amount that I paid? I have been asked to pay for a subscription that costs 50 euro, will I get the full amount back after doing what you say?
First of all you should pay any unpaid bill. Then you ask NS for your card number, such that you can block your OV-chipcard. Five days later you contact NS again to end your subscription. Some time later you will receive the reimbursement.
So in reality I will have to pay for the subscription, and then cancel the subscription (how do I do this?) whereupon I will receive a full reimbursment?
NS should be able to tell you the card number. You will need to pay until the subscription is ended, but you will get remaining months of a paid year refunded.
I can't seem to report the card lost, as I haven't registered it at ov-chipkaart.nl, and I don't have the card anymore, so I can't check the cardnumber.
Is there a chance that I will be asked to pay for another year's subscription? This would be really inconvenient, especially since I was under the impression that the subscription was ended.
Nifrek, did you read the first comment in this topic? Please follow the instructions mentioned in this topic.
Last year, when I lived in the Netherlands, I had a subscription at NS. When I left the Netherlands, I was under the impression that I cancelled this subscription. However, I recently recieved an invoice from NS, charging me for another year. How do I go about this?
My referentienummer is 12859305.
Thank you in advance
Hi Marta, the line should be available. You can also contact us via Twitter (@NS_online), Facebook or chat .
I am trying vía chat and phone but it is impossible, phone is alway bussy And chat too
Hi Marta, the line should be available. You can also contact us via Twitter (@NS_online), Facebook or
chat .
I want to cancel my card because I dont live in the Netherlands. I have done what you said up to say that I lost, but I'm calling customer support and do not pick up the phone. supposedly it is already off the card?
A gretting!!
Rapha, I will send Miriam a reminder. Keep in mind that we do not work every day and/or are occupied with other tasks, so you might have to wait a few days for an answer.
Thank you, Syncasso, the collection agency, had given me a deadline for the 24th but hasn't replied to my subsequent response (nor had I heard from NS) so that's why I'm rushing.
Nas, you can send me a private message.
Rapha, I will send Miriam a reminder. Keep in mind that we do not work every day and/or are occupied with other tasks, so you might have to wait a few days for an answer.
Any moderators around? I'm still waiting for a response.
I am facing a similar problem. I wish to cancel my Dal Voordeel from abroad as I don't live in the Netherlands anymore. I tried once to cancel it by sending a cancellation request by post and I received the first email about the cancellation, but since I wasn't travelling back to the Netherlands I couldn't verify the cancellation on a terminal and the annual charge remained... I have not travelled to the Netherlands since.
Having found this forum discussion, I tried to block my card so I could then ask for help here, but the OV website does not recognise the information of my card. This could be because recently I received emails from OV warning me that if I don't take action the card will be cancelled (it has not expired yet, but it may be considered cancelled in their system, because I didn't want to renew it and hence took no action).
Could you please check if the subscription can be cancelled? I can send you my personal details and OV card information by personal message.
Please let me know who I could contact by pm. Thank you in advance!