Good afternoon, I went from Den Haag to Antwerp and when I arrived in Antwerp I forgot to pass the card. What do I have to do?
You can't pass the card in Antwerp because there are no check-in, check-out points in Antwerp. You have to buy a ticket to travel to Belgium.
I think none. (when I arrived in Antwerp I forgot to pass the card.)
Yes, I noticed when I had to return. What do I have to do now? There was a machine next to the train to check in, check out and beep me. I guess because I didn’t check out earlier, can it?
Yes, I noticed when I had to return. What do I have to do now? There was a machine next to the train to check in, check out and beep me. I guess because I didn’t check out earlier, can it?
I don't understand. Did you check out in Breda?? on the way back.
With wich pass you have been travelling from Den Haag to Antwerp?
The Dutch OV-pass is only for use in the Netherlands.
My problem is that I thought I could check out in Antwerp, but it turns out that I can’t. On the way back I bought the ticket from Antwerp to Roosendaal and at the platforms of Roosendaal I noticed that there was a NS machine to check in/out, but there was a strange noise and I thought I had not checked in, but it turns out that I checked in/out twice and went to Den Haag HS without checking in, although I did check out just in case I had checked in correctly. I looked at the app and effectively did not check out in the morning and in the afternoon just checked out, because I checked in/ out twice without wanting.
My problem is that I thought I could check out in Antwerp, but it turns out that I can’t.
The chipcard is only meant for travel within the Netherlands. There are a few exceptions for some stations shortly behind the border, but Antwerp is not one of them.
Next time, buy an international ticket for the whole journey, e.g. on or, and if you have any discount, then you can indicate it there. Then you don't need to check in or out. You can use the international ticket (printed or in an app) to open any gates.
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