Dear Support Team,
Good day!
I would like to address the fine of 50 euros that I received after my trip on January 29, 2024. I boarded the train in Amsterdam at 20:11 and checked in using my OV card, but as it turned out, the system did not register it.
During the trip, I was checked twice by conductors, and I presented my card to them without any remarks from their side. At 22:35, I arrived in Maastricht and checked out, but the system recorded it as a repeated check-in.
The next day, I received a fine of 50 euros. In addition, 18.72 euros were deducted from my account for the trip itself. This means that I was effectively charged twice for the same journey.
I kindly request that you review this situation and check my travel history, as I always ensure proper payment for my trips. To confirm my statement, you may review the surveillance camera recordings, which captured the moment of my check-in in Amsterdam.
I would greatly appreciate your understanding and assistance in resolving this matter.
Best regards,
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