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Dear Support Team,

Good day!

I would like to address the fine of 50 euros that I received after my trip on January 29, 2024. I boarded the train in Amsterdam at 20:11 and checked in using my OV card, but as it turned out, the system did not register it.

During the trip, I was checked twice by conductors, and I presented my card to them without any remarks from their side. At 22:35, I arrived in Maastricht and checked out, but the system recorded it as a repeated check-in.

The next day, I received a fine of 50 euros. In addition, 18.72 euros were deducted from my account for the trip itself. This means that I was effectively charged twice for the same journey.

I kindly request that you review this situation and check my travel history, as I always ensure proper payment for my trips. To confirm my statement, you may review the surveillance camera recordings, which captured the moment of my check-in in Amsterdam.


I would greatly appreciate your understanding and assistance in resolving this matter.

Best regards,


Personal details removed by moderator*


Tekst verwijderd door ​@Treinreiziger JS. Zie post hieronder van ​@Thom.

In most cases a fine of €50,00 is a result of a missed checkin. Train conductors do not have to report it to you when they notice that. They are nog obliged to give their remarks, as they are very often treated bad when they notice fare evasion. They report it to a computer and the computer decides whether there is a checkin or not. When there appears to be no checkin, you will receive a fine. To put it in a different way: No remarks does nog mean that your ticket is found valid.

When a repeated checkin is recorded when you are leaving the station, you probably missed the checkin when you started the journey.

You can have a look at MijnNS for the travel history and it is probably shown there wat has happend. Is it really wrong then you can contact Customer Service. English is spoken.


Please remove your personal data, it is a public forum, I can call you when I want to.

That said: it is your responsibility to check in correctly and check the feedback from the system.

You were not charged twice. Dutch law and NS terms and conditions state that you owe a public transport company an additional charge of €50 on top of the price for the trip when you are caught traveling without a valid ticket.

Thank you for your response. It's very unfortunate that instead of 18.70, I have to pay 68.70. This is the first time I've encountered such a situation in the Netherlands. 

Where did your journey to Maastricht start? € 18,72 is the maximum off-peak (40% discount) fare, so the 50 euros seems incorrect. Contact NS Customer service (phone, chat).
