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Flex subscription with foreign address and bank account - is it even possible still?

  • 19 december 2024
  • 39 reacties
  • 515 Bekeken


After reading a lot of posts here (including several in Dutch), I tried to get a subscription set up (I already sorted out the OV-chipkaart needed for that), first via NS chat, then via the klantenservice phone number). Both times they told me that I got rejected by EDR. That’s kind of funny because I don’t recall ever owing anyone in NL money and my credit rating in my own country is just fine, so personally I suspect that they just don’t provide data for foreign consumers in the first place (and I distinctly recall the NS service agent using the word “malfunction” when talking about the EDR result, but after speaking to a colleague they gave me the “talk to EDR and settle any outstanding bills” instead).

Of course, EDR’s info form doesn’t even let you enter a foreign address, and the person I talked to at their consumentenhelpdesk didn’t speak English and hung up on me.

I also tried going through Mijn NS using a few random Dutch addresses, but the EDR check failed there too before I could even enter a bank account.

If instead I try to go for a “Dal Vordeel op saldo” subscription on the website, it does let me proceed to the point where I can select an iDeal account, and I do have an LT Revolut account that I could try this with... but I’m worried that there will be no way for me to get the rest of my money back if I pay for the whole year and cancel early.

Is there anything else I can do to get a Flex subscription, or can I at least be confident that there’s a way to get back the excess from the “op saldo” subscription if that does go through? I know that normally an “op saldo” subscription can be converted into a Flex subscription after a month, but I suspect that this wouldn’t work due to the EDR thing, so is there another option to get the rest of the money back… and if so, how does it work?

Beste antwoord door Robert B

jast schreef:

Thanks, Robert (and rvdborgt)! Can I switch to Flex by myself later, or will I just run into the same issues again?

You should be able to select a Flex subscription via and then confirm at a machine (station or supermarket).

As an existing customer with no outstanding payments, there is no credit check (or a less strict one).

Bekijk origineel

  • Koploper**
  • 19 december 2024

Try the following:

In Mijn NS, change your address to the NS main office:

Laan van Puntenburg 100, 3511 ER Utrecht, Netherlands

Then try to order NS Flex online, using iDeal via Revolut. This should work in principle. I've used Revolut before to oder an NS subcription, although not with NS's address.


I suspect the problem is indeed that EDR doesn't have data about foreign persons or addresses and they will communicate this to NS as such, but NS customer service or NS in general incorrectly interpret this as a problem with credit rating. It is therefore the responsibility of NS to come up with a solution for such cases. Not doing so is probably a breach of EU legislation, since that would prohibit residents of other EU countries to buy an NS subscription and such discrimination is not allowed.

  • Intercity
  • 19 december 2024
rvdborgt schreef:

Try the following:

In Mijn NS, change your address to the NS main office:

Laan van Puntenburg 100, 3511 ER Utrecht, Netherlands

Then try to order NS Flex online, using iDeal via Revolut. This should work in principle.

Yeah, that would be great, but I already tried that (along with a made up phone number) and got an EDR-related error message after agreeing to the terms and the direct debit, but before it let me enter an iDeal account. When I try the same thing with an “op saldo” subscription, the error doesn’t show up but since I’m not sure I’ll be able to get my money back for the remaining months, I haven’t gone through with the iDeal payment yet.

I suspect that I won’t be able to get the credit check sorted/bypassed through customer service even if EDR directly confirmed to me that they simply don’t have any data on me (though I’d probably have to learn Dutch first), breach of legislation or not. I’ve read reports from others who simply got told again to talk to EDR. If I sued for discrimination, I doubt that would go through quickly or easily…

Here someone else tried a few extra rounds back and forth and basically both EDR and NS point fingers at each other:


  • Koploper**
  • 19 december 2024

OK, thanks.

Could a moderator please check what ​@jast needs to do to order an NS Flex subscription? Clearly the process on the NS side is either unclear or faulty.

Robert B
  • 19 december 2024

Welcome to the NS Community!

If the EDR message keeps appearing, it’s probably not related to your address but your name/date of birth. You can safely use the ‘saldo’ option and switch to NS Flex later, the remaining days of the year will be refunded.

I used an LT Revolut account a while ago and that will work fine (provided yours supports iDeal payments).

For the Dutch address, just put one from work/family/hotel, phone number may be 0100000000 (any 10 digits starting with a 0)

About NS Customer Service and the EDR error, they should know this happens with all foreign addresses.

  • Intercity
  • 19 december 2024

Thanks, Robert (and rvdborgt)! Can I switch to Flex by myself later without the EDR complications, or will I just run into the same issues again?

  • Koploper**
  • 19 december 2024
Robert B schreef:

About NS Customer Service and the EDR error, they should know this happens with all foreign addresses.

They should, and there should be a process to handle such cases, but either it doesn’t exist (we've seen more complaints about it) or it's hard to find. For the customer it comes down to the same thing: they can’t buy a subscription.

  • Koploper**
  • 19 december 2024
jast schreef:

Thanks, Robert (and rvdborgt)! Can I switch to Flex by myself later, or will I just run into the same issues again?

When I wanted to switch to NS Flex, I needed to use a Dutch address to be able to do it online (cause: crappy website). Customer service however should be able to make the change at all times.

Robert B
  • 19 december 2024
jast schreef:

Thanks, Robert (and rvdborgt)! Can I switch to Flex by myself later, or will I just run into the same issues again?

You should be able to select a Flex subscription via and then confirm at a machine (station or supermarket).

As an existing customer with no outstanding payments, there is no credit check (or a less strict one).

  • Intercity
  • 19 december 2024

Yeah, I’m just wondering if an attempt to switch to Flex will trigger the same EDR check that will fail in the same way…

Edit: well, you’re faster at responding than I’m at asking. Thanks, I’ll try my luck!

Robert B
  • 19 december 2024

If switching a saldo subscription to Flex (after the first month) doesn’t work, just cancel it altogether and use (leave the region empty)

They offer identical subscriptions (with the exeption of Traject Vrij) but don’t have a credit check.

Might as well use that in the first place, without the NS hassle.

Erryt NS
  • Moderator
  • 19 december 2024

Hello jast, welcome at our community,


What a shame that your ordering goes like this. I'll transfer on your signal. I can'tsay what the reason is, but EDR should be able to find out. In any case, it is not correct that this message comes from a foreign address. I have often ordered a subscription with an address abroad. I think you can simply order a Dal Voordeel subscription on balance and then change it to NS Flex. If you would like, you can send me a private message and I will help you resolve this.

Robert B
  • 19 december 2024
Erryt NS schreef:

What a shame that your ordering goes like this. I'll transfer on your signal. I can'tsay what the reason is, but EDR should be able to find out. In any case, it is not correct that this message comes from a foreign address. I have often ordered a subscription with an address abroad. I think you can simply order a Dal Voordeel subscription on balance and then change it to NS Flex. If you would like, you can send me a private message and I will help you resolve this.

@Erryt NS EDR apparently has no credit score for foreign addresses, so it gives an error.

If it worked for you before, that must have been when the credit check was still done by Focum.

Either way, for TS it also doesn’t work with any Dutch address, so EDR likely flags their name and date of birth combination somehow ❓

Erryt NS
  • Moderator
  • 19 december 2024

I think you can be right. It's been a time ago the last time I did order a subscription for a customer with a foreign address.

  • Intercity
  • 19 december 2024

I’ve now ordered a Dal Vordeel op saldo subscription and it will activate in a couple of days (hopefully). Here’s to hoping that switching the subscription to Flex later on will work fine...

As a side note, I tried ordering Arriva Flow but there are many issues with their account website that took me an hour to work through… ultimately I asked their support (appropriately, the chatbot on their website runs into an error when trying to forward the conversation to a support agent, so I had to take it elsewhere) and they said it’s currently not possible to order Flow subscriptions and they don’t know when it will be fixed. So, yeah, Arriva currently isn’t any better.

Thanks for your help, everyone!

Robert B
  • 19 december 2024

Thanks for the info about Arriva Flow not working!

I saw a message somewhere that they ‘revamped’ their website but the webshop is still not updated.

Go figure… Too bad that took an hour of your time to find out.

  • Koploper**
  • 19 december 2024
Erryt NS schreef:

I think you can simply order a Dal Voordeel subscription on balance and then change it to NS Flex.

That may indeed work, but it shouldn't be needed. It would be great if you could find out what exactly goes wrong when trying to order a new NS Flex subscription with a foreign address because this is supposed to work.

Erryt NS
  • Moderator
  • 19 december 2024

I will try to figure this out. I've I got an answer then I will let it know here.

Robert B
  • 19 december 2024

FYI ​@jast,

What you need/want is totally possible! You don't have to take ‘computer says no’ (silly EDR name/address credit check) for an answer.

Best workaround (circumventing Customer Service) done.

Just get it ‘on saldo’ (pay up € 67,20 for a year) and then change to NS Flex with restitution for unused days) 😣

Erryt NS
  • Moderator
  • 28 december 2024

I don't have an answer yet. I think this is becuase of the holidays, but I hope to give an answer in week 2 of the new year. Were you able to order a subscription ​@jast?

  • Intercity
  • 28 december 2024

Yes ​@Erryt NS , ordering the “op saldo” worked just fine and I travelled with discount today. Next month I'm going to see about converting the subscription to Flex Basis.

Thanks for your efforts!

Erryt NS
  • Moderator
  • 28 december 2024

That's great. Thanks for the update.

  • Intercity
  • 29 december 2024

Did I understand correctly that NS is fine with using their HQ address? 

I live in Belgium and already have had NS Flex for a while (passed their checks, yay!), but I have to change it via customer service (chat/whatsapp) as the website won't handle my request properly… because my postal code has no letters. Very inconvenient.


I just got a new OV-kaart so NS won't really need my real address for another 5 years.

  • Koploper**
  • 29 december 2024
loesvs schreef:

Did I understand correctly that NS is fine with using their HQ address? 

I live in Belgium and already have had NS Flex for a while (passed their checks, yay!), but I have to change it via customer service (chat/whatsapp) as the website won't handle my request properly… because my postal code has no letters. Very inconvenient.

The current form interprets every postal code as a Dutch postal code, regardless of whether there are letters in it or not. It's just broken.

NS however is not interested in foreign customers, so you have to do what's needed to make it work for you. Any valid address Dutch address will do. Nothing is sent via the post, except for a new chipcard just before it expires.

Floor NS
  • Moderator
  • 30 december 2024

it is necessary to keep your address up to date, because we do send you important information by post. We also send important information via email. This is the reason that both of these details need to be updated in your account if they have changed. Choosing an address where you do not live is therefore not recommended. Fpr example: if you forget to pay an invoice, you may receive a letter from us reminding you about this unpaid invoice. 

  • Intercity
  • 31 december 2024
Floor NS schreef:

it is necessary to keep your address up to date, because we do send you important information by post. We also send important information via email. This is the reason that both of these details need to be updated in your account if they have changed. Choosing an address where you do not live is therefore not recommended. Fpr example: if you forget to pay an invoice, you may receive a letter from us reminding you about this unpaid invoice. 

But if this is so important - I’d rather not miss an invoice reminder - why did NS still not fix their broken web forms?

Every time I want to change anything in my NS account (i.e. change Flex subscription type) I have to fill in my address again (which is unnecessary, as NS already has my correct Belgian home address linked to my account) and the web form gets stuck. It actually has a field to select another country than The Netherlands, but this is totally useless as, like ​@rvdborgt mentioned above, it interpretes every postal code as Dutch. Obviously, my Belgian postal code is not a valid Dutch one, hence… error.

Answering the endless support requests of Dutch people living just across the border, is probably more expensive in terms of staff cost than a one-off webform fix...


