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Money refund from my Chipkaart

Hello, I have been trying to fix this issue. I am leaving the country suddenly and I have more than 30€ in my OV-Chipkaart that I won’t use. So I want to get that balance back. How can I fill the formulary? I’m having persistent troubles with the website. Someone can help me? 
Thank you.

Beste antwoord door Lorena NS

Hi Christian Rodríguez and welcome to the NS Community!

You can request the money back on the website of the OV-chipcard. If that is not working, you can try to fill in their contactform.

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Lorena NS
  • Moderator
  • 1335 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 6 juni 2023

Hi Christian Rodríguez and welcome to the NS Community!

You can request the money back on the website of the OV-chipcard. If that is not working, you can try to fill in their contactform.
