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Hello! Working at an university in Germany, at the moment we plan an academic excursion to Rotterdam with about 20 teachers and students in june. We'd like to spend some days by bike, exploring the city and its architecture and public spaces. We thought about using your OV-fiets, but it's a little bit confusing to organize those out of Germany. From what I've read and understood we need to:

  1. Apply for an OV-chipkaart (Pay 7,50€ by paypal)
  2. Wait for the Chipkaart to arrive (6 days)
  3. Apply also for an 'MyNS'-Account.
  4. Somehow link both the Card and the Account (It gets a bit confusing here...)? There's also something here about a free OV-season-ticket?

It would be absolutely great if someone could help me and clarify the steps necessary for applying for the OV-fiets. Thank you very very much up front, and with best regards!

hallo, leider keine 9€ billigtix hier, dennoch: es gibt in jeder Grossstadt ´źig Velo/Fahrrad vermieter-das sollte viel schneller und unbürokratischer funktionieren mit möglich mehr Auswahl and Grösse/Art usw.. Ich vermute so dass Sie möglich schon eine Uni/Hochschule kontaktieren? Dann wissen die bestimmt schon mehr Bescheid!

Ausserdem gibt es bei dieser Prozess noch eine Falle: bei aktivieren mus mann eine I-Deal Zahlung bestätigen (eine Art Sofort-ab eine NL-bank)-und bestimmt hat keiner von Ihnen solcher. Es gibt ja ein Mietzins/Tag. Mann MUSS NS ja zustimmen jede Zahlung monatlich zu einkassieren-was bei ziemlich viele DE auf Misstrauen oder Ablehnung stösst.

Welcome to the NS Community!

An OV-fiets subscription can be added to a personal OV-chipcard, no Mijn NS account needed.

Be aware that this will cause you a lot of hassle because foreign addresses are not accepted, and also the rental is handled by auto-debit which is a bit complicated from a foreign IBAN (iDeal payment needed).

It should be possible to take a personal card to a service desk and have it done for you, but chances are they will send you away saying it’s not possible.

Better look for regular bicycle rental in Rotterdam. A bicycle sharing service is not really an option for 20 persons.
