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Can I add on an extra 40% off-peak discount on my Weekend Vrij susbcription after purchasing it? I forgot to do that.

  • 25 augustus 2022
  • 1 reactie
  • 256 Bekeken


I just purchased a Weekend Vrij subscription, however, I realized I forgot to click on the extra 40% off peak discount (for about 3 euros extra) even though I need it. 

Can I still add that benefit to my Weekend Vrij subscription somehow now?

Kind regards: Fruzsi

Beste antwoord door Thom

You can, normally you cannot change within a month by Internet, but contact Customer Service if you want to. There are other ways, but this one is the easiest. After a month it can be done at any moment.

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1 reactie

  • Super user
  • 25013 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 25 augustus 2022

You can, normally you cannot change within a month by Internet, but contact Customer Service if you want to. There are other ways, but this one is the easiest. After a month it can be done at any moment.
