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Payed invoice but they still send email

  • 8 juni 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 328 Bekeken


it has been many days that i’m having trouble with NS and everytime i’m thinking that it is settled, I receive an email that I don’t expect.

Since i’m an international student, I can’t pay for subscription with my own bank card (from Belgium). so I decided to pay the free weekend subscription with my revolut account. I would like to make it clear that I paid for one month directly from the start and that my NS account is not linked to a bank account (at least I did NOT linked it). 

After using the subscription for a month, i decided taht i would not pay for another month. What a surprise when I saw that NS take automatically money from your account and they wait for you to cancel it… why do you do that? your system of doing things is really tricky!

so my subscripton was from 27/04 till 26/05. Since i couldn’t cancel myself on the website, i tried to call the customer service, but they said that that number doesn’t exist anymore… so my “fastest” option is the chat. First I send messages on the 27th of May to cancel it. at the end it didn’t work, because there was a problem with the service at that moment. The agent said that NS will contact me again, but I think they were going to contact me in my dream… no answers. 

i contacted the chat again the 30th of May and thay finally cancelled it. But again a surprise, I still have to pay for the invoice, even if I was on time before. So I payed it on the account the agent sent me. So I precise here that I payed with my original bank account and not the revolut. BUT they memorised the revolut account so now they said I didn’t pay the 42,71€ of invoice. 

I’ve paid it directly the day of the cancellation, with the invoice number you gave. even if I paid with another account, you’re supposed to accept it. Because of that, I can NOT receive back the refund money of the subscription YOU told me to pay.


Here is attached proof of conversation and payment. 

Till how long do you need to make me stress? Should I make it more serious by saying that I'm going to file a complaint against you? 


Conversation NS chat 30/05


so I explained that on saturday, I also talked with one of your colleague because I payed for a subscription to travel free on the weekends (34.95€) that I directly payed with revolut on the 27th of April. It should have normally ended on the 26th of May, but when I checked the app, it says that I had to pay 69.9 € which correspond to 2 months (the previous one and the new one). The problem also is that it is said that NS with take directly the money form by bank account, which is impossible since I don't have a dutch account and i didn't linked my ov card with an account

your colleague said that you will cancel my subscription (normally I just have travel expenses that i'm aware i have to pay)


but also on sunday, I received an email saying that I have to pay 42,71€ and that by the 2nd of June, you will take it automatically from my account


from where does that amount comes from?


your colleague was going to cancel my subscription, but there was something wrong that day, so it was impossible to do it



Very annoying that this happened. I'll check this out for you. Hello, because you are logged into your Mijn NS-account I have access to your customer and subscription information. Am I speaking with Ms S. F        T     ?


yes it is me

  • Chat closed alone


Hello, am I speaking with S. F             T               and are you considering to cancel your NS Flex Weekend Vrij subscription?


hello, yes it is me


yes i would like to cancel it please



So you can ignore the cost counter in the app when it concerns the subscription costs. It tries to predict the upcoming costs instead of showing what they are. Do you have questions regarding the invoice € 42,17? And what is the reason of cancellation?


what is the details of that invoice?


i'd like to cancel it, because i'm not going to travel anymore with NS


You can transfer it to NL14ABNA0576850675 in the name of NS Group. The invoice number is 430011079190.

  • Chat closed alone





i'm a bit pissed now, because the chat thing is not working well...


every time i'm talking with someone



Good afternoon, you are chatting with Juninho.


it says that something happend


and that i have to try again



I'm sorry to hear that.


i'm really annoyed to lose my time explaining over and over again


so to make it short


i was talking 5 min ago with your colleague, Ruebens



Because you are logged into your My NS account, I have access to your customer and subscription information. Is it correct that I am now speaking with Ms. S. Ferrouji Touati?


yes it is me


i want to cancel my subscription



May i ask why?


i'm an exchange student and i'm leaving soon, so I will not use NS anumore


and I received aan invoice by email sauing that I have to pay 42,71€ so if I understand it well, it's 34,95€ for the next month (27th May-26th june) + 7,76€ of extra travel cost (beacause I used the bus and the tram)



I will put this in the system. To deactivate your season ticket, you have to go to a card machine (for example at the station). You have to do this before the date stated in the email that we will send to the email address you gave me earlier.


so if you cancel it, i will just have to pay 7.76€



You can pay the full amount. You will receive it back after the subscription has been cancelled.


also, how can I pay that? because i don't have a dutch bank account and I couldn't link my bank account to the ov card


can you change that ?


it will be easier for you to just make a nex invoice of that amount


i payed the first month of my subscription with revolut


but revolut is not my "real" bank account



I cannot change an invoice.


ok then tell me how to pay it



You can transfer it to NL14 ABNA 0576 8506 75 in the name of NS Group. The invoice number is 430011079190.


ook thanks




so how long do I have to wait for you to send me the refund money?


also , now you confirmed the cancellation right?


so I can go today to the station to pick up the cancellation



Do you have a moment?





A service notification has been created to cancel your subscription this may take another 2/3 days. You will be contacted further about this. You do not have to do anything or collect anything.

ok good perfect, thank you!


but do you know how long will I get the money back? approximatly



If you don't have any further questions, I want to wish you a nice day!




You will receive a message regarding that.


ok thank you have a nice day



1 reactie

  • 13136 reacties
  • 8 juni 2023
Soukayna schreef:

I would like to make it clear that I paid for one month directly from the start and that my NS account is not linked to a bank account (at least I did NOT linked it). 

After using the subscription for a month, i decided taht i would not pay for another month. What a surprise when I saw that NS take automatically money from your account and they wait for you to cancel it… why do you do that? your system of doing things is really tricky!

Subscriptions are always continuous, that is, you have to cancel them yourself. They don't end automatically after a month. When you pay for the first month, you agree to NS deducting the future subscription costs from the same bank account.

In any case, we cannot help you here, unfortunately. This community is meant as a place where travellers can be helped by other travellers. We are not NS employees, so do not have access to customer data, and cannot arrange refunds or deal with subscription issues.

You should contact customer service directly for this. Apart from phone or chat, you can also contact them by sending a message on Twitter or Facebook. Perhaps one of those options works best for you.
