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how do i use a ‘normal’ bank card to buy a ticket

I don’t have time to read mountains of crap on a website or app

simple question for someone who rarely travels by train yet lives in NL

how the hell do you use your bank card? It’s not in the app (yet), and it’s super inconvenient to use the website so what ‘easy’ way is there to do this? Baffling this doesn’t work

9 reacties

  • Koploper****
  • 20333 reacties
  • 28 april 2023

You can check in/out with your bank card. The money will then automatically deducted from your account the next day.

No… specifically says I have to first travel and THEN use my card. Whats the point of having a bank card if I cant use it the first time I buy a ticket. So- thats the ticketing side thats awful. OR am I just supposed to tap my bank card on and off? It sure says nothing about that simply on this site. Its really a mess and just makes me avoid the train

  • Koploper****
  • 12618 reacties
  • 28 april 2023

There are two options. 

You can buy a ticket at a ticket machine for a surcharge of a euro.

Or you can now use your bank card without having to buy a ticket. You touch in at your your departure station and touch out at your destination. The fare will be calculated based on your travel data and deducted from your bank account.

imark- your response means I have to buy an OV chipkaart- doesnt it? How is it convenient for me to have ANOTHER card in my wallet?

  • Koploper*
  • 738 reacties
  • 28 april 2023
Gerry belgtaver schreef:

imark- your response means I have to buy an OV chipkaart- doesnt it? How is it convenient for me to have ANOTHER card in my wallet?

No you don’t. Just go to the station and check in with your back card. You don’t have to do or buy anything to make it work.


Well- thats ridiculously unclear based upon what I read and see

So i can buy tickets from OV (through their system) OR NS> Again- I have no understanding of this and am too disinterested to figure it out

Robert B
  • 29942 reacties
  • 28 april 2023

If you want to use your bank card to buy a train ticket, you will need to:

  • Go to a ticket machine and buy a ticket (one way or return) to your destination. There is a €1 surcharge for tickets from a machine
  • Use iDeal to buy an e-ticket online (for printing or import in the NS app). iDeal is only available for Dutch bank accounts (and some others like Revolut and Bunq)

Because now there is OVpay, you don’t need a ticket at all! Just tap in and out with your bank card (or phone if it has a Wallet for paments, just like in a store). Your account will be charged the next day for all travels you made on a given day.

  • Koploper****
  • 12618 reacties
  • 28 april 2023

@Gerry belgtaver Why do you ask questions if you're completely uninterested to figure it out?

What don't you understand about using your bank card to touch in and out? Basically your bank card can substitute an OV-chipkaart. That's all. It couldn't be more straightforward. You can eliiminate the step of buying a ticket or charging a chip card.
