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Complete Travel History

How can I see my complete travel history, including all trips, even trams and busses? 

Beste antwoord door Thom

You do need an account at MijnNS. The costs for the trains will appear up to three days later, but it may also take a week for a bus. At MijnNS → My travels -->Travel history.

Mijn NS acts with quite a delay.



Arriva is besides a train company also a bus company.


Bekijk origineel

  • Super user
  • 5 juli 2022

You do need an account at MijnNS. The costs for the trains will appear up to three days later, but it may also take a week for a bus. At MijnNS → My travels -->Travel history.

Mijn NS acts with quite a delay.



Arriva is besides a train company also a bus company.


I can see the travel history, but only for trains, no metro or trams or busses. 

  • Super user
  • 5 juli 2022

It is possible, as shown above, but it takes a lot of time before it appears. I made this journey five days ago, it appeared yesterday. The second and third are by bus, the second even with a small regional car.

  • Koploper***
  • 5 juli 2022

Also be aware you'll only see buses etc. on MijnNS when you've got NS Flex. When travelling on credit, you'll need an account on instead to see all transactions.

  • Op het juiste spoor
  • 7 november 2022

Hello, I can only see my history until march, and not from januari and februari, does anyone know why? And how I can have those too?

Robert B
Kajfrances schreef:

Hello, I can only see my history until march, and not from januari and februari, does anyone know why? And how I can have those too?

Welcome to the NS Community!

Travel history goes back 18 months, so January and February 2022 should be visible. Select the right card if you have a new one since then.

If you have a new card, add it to your Mijn NS account (website or app).
